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Sunday Run from Shropshire
perksy - 23/6/07 at 04:57 AM

Shropshire WSCC are having a run out next Sunday 1st July
Starting in Church stretton and then making our way over to the Welsh coast

The Lad who's done the route has included Petrol/Food stops etc

Hopefully the Weather will improve

Locosters Welcome on All Our Runs and Club Nights

Email Me if your up for it:



jos - 23/6/07 at 10:05 AM

I was hoping to join you on this one mark but unfortunately I'm in Stevenage that day so cant SOB SOB

Have a good run

Bouldy - 23/6/07 at 01:31 PM

yeh b up for that trip .obviously weather permitting as its shite at the mo

perksy - 27/6/07 at 08:47 PM

Will post on Thursday if the Run's taking place or not
We might need to postpone it for a few weeks
depending on the weather forecast



perksy - 27/6/07 at 08:51 PM

Originally posted by jos
I was hoping to join you on this one mark but unfortunately I'm in Stevenage that day so cant SOB SOB

Have a good run

No problem Mate
We've plenty of other runs planned


perksy - 28/6/07 at 08:29 PM

This Sundays Run has been POSTPONED

The Weather forecast looks Crap so We've decided to Postpone it

The New date for the Run is:

Will advise details nearer the date


Perksy WSCC

jos - 29/6/07 at 12:05 PM

Grrr I'm busy then too