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Is there anyone building a BEC Luego?
JoaoCaldeira - 26/3/04 at 12:02 PM

Hi all.

Still choosing the right kit, probably Luego for me - electronic support as I live in Portugal, and I was wondering if anyone is building a BEC based on this chassis.

The problem is Luego quoted +300 UKP for "chassis conversion" to use with a ZZR 1100 (the only engine to which Luego has already made parts), 500 for exhaust and 250 for propshafts, which seems a bit to me (+ VAT!).

What is your opinion?

Thanks in advance,
Joćo Caldeira

StuartA - 26/3/04 at 12:14 PM

We are building a Fireblade engined Luego locost. When we bought the chassis, we hadn't considered the bike engined route so the chassis completely standard. We are getting a friend to do the modifications to take a bike engine by building an engine cradle... should come in at around £100. The prop shaft is an expensive one (we paid around £300, but I am sure you can get them cheaper). Exhaust is a specialist item, again we paid about £250-300 if I remember correctly (from MK). Luego's prices do seem a little steep (especially the chassis conversion).

Jasper - 26/3/04 at 01:12 PM

Sounds a lot to me - and a zzr1100 isn't the best engine to use.

I paid £100 for prop, £250 for exhaust manifold (ST) and £60 for a secondhand R1 can.

Any reason not to build your own, or use an MK? You'll probably get all the help you need on here anyway.

And how about Fisher - nice build finish, excellent handling though a bit more money