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AB Performance
Andy B - 20/12/11 at 09:54 AM

Hi all
just a quick line to let you all know that I will be closing on 21st Dec and reopening on the 5th Jan. Feels a bit strange as it will be the longest I have shut the workshop for but I am bowing to pressure from my better half.
In the meantime I would like to take the opportunity to wish you all a very Happy Christmas and New Year and thank you all for your support during 2011.
I look forward to working with you all and your projects in the New Year.
Best Regards
AB Performance

scootz - 20/12/11 at 09:57 AM

Cheers Andy!

How are things going since your DD appearance?

Andy B - 20/12/11 at 10:03 AM

Hi Scootz
I think its a case of be careful what you wish for - I am run off my feet at the moment but it is a nice problem to have.
Certainly has opened up some doors for us and planning a big 2012 with at least 5 new Sabres out.
Will update you all more as the New Year unfolds

scootz - 20/12/11 at 10:07 AM

Good stuff!

eddie99 - 20/12/11 at 11:06 AM

Happy Christmas Andy, i'll speak to you when your back in the UK. Have a great holiday, you deserve it

gixermark - 20/12/11 at 02:24 PM

you mean they gave you a passport !!!

God help Sheena listening to you on that flight

have a good one......................

Andy B - 20/12/11 at 02:41 PM

Hi Mark
yup have passport and shiny new suit used for only one brief telly appearance (the rumour that I hired it is untrue) personally I am hoping to get turned back at immigration so I can hot tail it back and get some work done!!
Regards to all the family and have a great christmas, speak to you in the new year when you regain your senses and get back onto bike power!

imp paul - 20/12/11 at 05:46 PM

happy Christmas andy hope its a good 1

speedystew - 20/12/11 at 06:07 PM

just make sure you get plenty of rest mate,we have a car to develop for next year and i will be outside your house with it when you return

av a good un andy

stew p

Steve Hignett - 21/12/11 at 01:57 AM

Have a good one mate, and I hope the busy times may continue for as long as you wish them too!!!

Happy Xmas and speak to you soon, and look forward to hearing your 2012 news...


T66 - 21/12/11 at 11:57 PM

Andy is a really friendly bloke, ring him if you have a problem.

eddie99 - 21/12/11 at 11:58 PM

Highly doubt he would have not answered his emails on purpose, I know hes been having email issues as hes been trying to email me over some documents and failing.... Give him a call after XMAS, im sure he'll get you item out ASAP.

loggyboy - 22/12/11 at 12:29 AM

this place on ebay?

If so then it is the same person, but 10 days is hardly time to start airing problems in public IMO.

welderman - 22/12/11 at 12:35 AM

Merry crimbo Andy. Hope you and your family have a good un

Steve Hignett - 8/1/12 at 01:48 AM

I take it that posts on here have been deleted?

Hope everything has been sorted out amicably...
