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Blackbird clocks stopped working... HELP!!!
MOz - 2/7/07 at 03:41 PM

Took the Indy out today as I have a couple of people viewing it this week. All was well until about 5 mins into the journey when the clocks (OEM Honda Blackbird) just stopped working. Speed, revs, temp and fuel guage got nothing. High beam, indicators and side stand (hand brake) all still work.

I didn't (and couldn't) build it so I did the basics like check the fuses and disconnect and reconnect the loom...... nothing.

Any guesses please????


Hellfire - 2/7/07 at 04:05 PM

Has the plug at the back of the clocks vibrated loose?


MOz - 10/7/07 at 05:58 PM

Disconnected and reconnected all plugs. Checked all fuses. Had a visual check of the wiring and can't see anything obvious. Next step will be attacking the loom from the back of the engine compartment.

Sean runs a speedo healer, an accumen gear indicator and a datatool rev light. Could it be possible one of these could have buggered the loom or made the clocks die???? The rev lights still work but the gear indicator is stuck on "zero" as a consequence of the speedo not working I'm guessing.

Please, can anyone help. I have a number of people wanting to see the car now in a view to buying so this has really come along at the wrong time. Add to that my distinct fear and loathing of electrics and you can see I'm a paddle short up poo creek........


DIY Si - 10/7/07 at 07:41 PM

The only time I has this happen was when the battery was knackered. The voltage had dropped too low for the gauges to function.
Might be worth chucking the charger on over night and trying again tomorrow.

INDY BIRD - 11/7/07 at 08:48 AM

Maybe check the back of the clocks make sure there are no cracks in the circuit board soldering of the clocks it is plastic backed with soldering but could be something obvious, dash will have to come out,

and if out maybe it could just be the clocks are shagged anyone got a spare they can lend him to check just plug in then you will know for sure.

sorry cant be much more help?


MOz - 13/7/07 at 07:37 AM

Had the back of the engine compartment off last night. The sea of wires mean nothing to me at all, even with a wiring diagram.

The only thing I could see was a thin metal strip in the bottom right of the clocks board as you look at it from behind had come away from the board and split. Would this cause a problem?????