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iva - seats
locost 7 k - 25/2/14 at 02:57 PM

What's the score with seats and iva tests

Is it the seat they check or just the mounts?

I have just purchased some fibreglass/plastic seats what I think are the jk composite seats, has any one put there kits through iva with these seats?

loggyboy - 25/2/14 at 03:11 PM

Seats are checked for interior projections, most GRPs will reqire edge trimming.

They are assessed for strength based on section 15, there is nothing specifcally tested with regards to the strengh of the seat itself, only the mounts, and the head rest (The head restraint must be securely attached to the seat & The head restraint must be appropriately positioned and of adequate strength to fulfil its function.

But as in all cases in IVA, where nothing is specfically stated -
General Construction
All aspects of the design and construction of the vehicle must be such that no Immediate danger is caused or likely to be caused to any person in the vehicle or to other road users.

JKs are very popular and i beleive many have passed IVA.

locost 7 k - 25/2/14 at 03:22 PM

Thanks for that

CosKev3 - 25/2/14 at 04:40 PM

Are they the plain JK's without the base for runners to fit onto bonded onto them?

If so they need fittings onto the rear bulkhead on the back part of the seat to pass IVA according to JK Composites.
If they have the base bonded onto them for runners they can just be base mounted and will pass ok.

daveb666 - 25/2/14 at 04:51 PM

I passed my IVA with GRP seats. They were solid mounted to the floor.

Tester just have them a shake to make sure they were solid, checked the harnesses were OK in relation to the holes in the seat and my shoulders, when sat in the car.

Neb - 25/2/14 at 05:01 PM

Originally posted by daveb666
checked the harnesses were OK in relation to the holes in the seat and my shoulders, when sat in the car.

I take it you mean they were fixed directly behind the openings in the seats.

Reason why i ask is mine are offset and believe these are no good?

CosKev3 - 25/2/14 at 05:17 PM

Originally posted by Neb
Originally posted by daveb666
checked the harnesses were OK in relation to the holes in the seat and my shoulders, when sat in the car.

I take it you mean they were fixed directly behind the openings in the seats.

Reason why i ask is mine are offset and believe these are no good?

if you are in a collision the harnesses need to be holding you in the seat, if the mounting points are the wrong height the harnesses can pull down on your shoulders and compress your back/spine.
so the harnesses should pass through the seat without touching on it when your sat in the seat, if they can pivot on the seat they are not right.
Not sure about the offset, put a pic up will help.

raptor700 - 25/2/14 at 06:36 PM

So do you not need runners on both seats ?

CosKev3 - 25/2/14 at 08:40 PM

Originally posted by raptor700
So do you not need runners on both seats ?

For IVA?

You don't need runners on any seats for IVA,plenty of people just have fixed seats.
Not a problem if you don't have any short arsed m8's that want a drive!!!!

raptor700 - 25/2/14 at 08:53 PM

Yeah sorry , some reason i thought u had to , cheers for that , we set the seat for my dad , we are the same size but I use hand controls (paralysed) so makes no odds to me lol

Jenko - 27/2/14 at 12:37 PM

I'm going through the same thing at the mo...just preping my seats for IVA.....I used the carbon seats from kitpartsdirect (not sure if they sell them anymore)....anyway, if you look here there is a pic showing the area where the seatbelt goes through and the outer edge that faces backwards:


James - 27/2/14 at 02:02 PM

I seem to remember an issue where the IVA tester couldn't fit into the car.

I would fit the adjustables- they're easy to fit and very useful!
