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Full 4 Wheel Alignment Help
ashg - 29/12/08 at 01:54 PM

Hi all

can anyone reccomend a place in kent that can do proper 4wheel alignment properly!! e.g camber caster toe etc etc and not cock my car up!

i have been to 3 places now that all seem to be run by fools that dont know anything or want to rip me off trying to talk BS.

one place said they wanted the car all day and that i couldnt watch what they did lol.


Hellfire - 29/12/08 at 02:00 PM

Why not do it yourself?


ashg - 29/12/08 at 02:05 PM

its not the roadster that i want setup ;-)

iceman26 - 29/12/08 at 02:10 PM

try a good body shops they will be able to do full set up for you

Mr Whippy - 29/12/08 at 02:21 PM

Originally posted by ashg
its not the roadster that i want setup ;-)

It would have helped if you said that at the beginning tbh

If it’s a production car then I doubt you will be able to set many things like castor. Try looking up wheel laser alignment as that does tend to be pretty accurate. Most expect to be given the values that they should be aiming for and if it’s a kit car then you’ll have to get that for them, if it’s a current production car then they should have the tables.

dinosaurjuice - 29/12/08 at 05:16 PM

my parents had their focus c-max laser aligned after some unusual tyre wear. took less than an hour including adjustment. only cost £65 at a bodyshop.

they needed to know the chassis number then they got all the details up on computer.

GeoffB - 29/12/08 at 06:43 PM

i work in a bodyshop nr canterbury and we have a four wheel laser set up..i have mine set up by a very knowledgable bloke who goes racing and knows about these things.. u2u me if you need furter info. is it your kit or a normal car


ashg - 29/12/08 at 09:48 PM

cheers geoff pm on the way

the car is a signum elite and its the rear that keeps stepping tyres on the inside edge.

the camber and the toe on it are adjustable on the rear but the first place that tried made it worse and everyone else looks confused when i say its adjustable.

it needs setting up as i changed a few parts which have put put it out.

price of alignment isnt a worry as much as the tyres. £170 a corner and are dieing every 4-5k when they should last more like 30k

cheers for the help guys

ss1turbo - 29/12/08 at 10:57 PM

Would be a bit of a trek (but worth it in tyres) - Wheels in Motion in Chesham, Bucks website clicky.

Highly rated by Omega owners...

[Edited on 29/12/08 by ss1turbo]

britishtrident - 30/12/08 at 12:45 PM

If the tryes are wearing on the inside edge either you have too much negative camber or too much toe-out on the rear. I think your problem is rear toe setting rather than camber.

Just remember to load the car to its normal running condition (eg at least driver on board) before you take the measurements.

Camber is easy to check all you need is a level floor and a spirit level --- using an electronic level is the easy way just hold the spirit level vertically against the tyre or wheel and read it off - best to hold it slightly off centre to avoid the tyre bulge at the bottom.
I don't touch Vauxhalls much but it is unlikely you car will have any means for adjusting the rear camber in any event.
After you have checked or adjusted the camber - do the rear toe setting

Toe setting is a little more tricky because you don't how it has been adjusted in the past but as you don't report any strange or asymentric handling or pulling to one side you could assume it is centralised and as long as you adjust both sides an equal number of turns will remain so.

On a car with full body work the only simple way to measure the rear toe is across the axle using either a Dunlop optical gauge (Sealey also sell a similar one) used by most garages or for DIY use a Gunson Trackrite

When used on the rear the Dunlop type gauge reads the wrong way round (ie toe-in reads as toe-out) --- this just might be what is wrong.

The Gunson Trakrite is cheap simple and very accurate you just push the car over the gauge.
I think you will find you need to adjust the suspension to give more toe-in at the rear.