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spdpug98 - 11/12/08 at 06:20 PM

In the process of getting a few extra tools ready for starting my build, and have been thinking about buying a dremel or similar
Are they worth buying and would I use it during a build

blakep82 - 11/12/08 at 06:23 PM

i tend to just get tools as and when i need them. I've used my dremmel a fair bit. i guess its quite useful, but.... i don't know. i'm not overly impressed with them tbh

spdpug98 - 11/12/08 at 06:27 PM

Originally posted by blakep82
i tend to just get tools as and when i need them. I've used my dremmel a fair bit. i guess its quite useful, but.... i don't know. i'm not overly impressed with them tbh

That's what i've tended to do in the past, but always get frustrated when I have to do something and don't have the tool to hand, I always end up thinking about how much time I have lost by going to get something

Aico - 11/12/08 at 06:58 PM

I actually have 2. Bought one earlier and then got one for free with a tuningparts order. The reason I bought the first one is because I wanted to cut thin metal with it and plastic etc. Opening up holes etc. Maybe I don't have Dremel skills, but I was way beter off with a manual metalfile.

Mark G - 11/12/08 at 07:23 PM

I use mine quite alot when dealing with fiberglass. You will definately find that at some point you'll need one.

If I have any advice for you it would be to buy one with a power lead as the battery ones tend not to be very torquey.

tomgregory2000 - 11/12/08 at 07:34 PM

Dont be a whimp and just get a bigger hammer

Ive never needed one

spdpug98 - 11/12/08 at 08:57 PM

I think i'll just get one, it may come in handy one day

Canada EH! - 11/12/08 at 09:16 PM

If you have a compressor, I find a small air powered hacksaw much more useful

Canada EH! - 11/12/08 at 09:16 PM

If you have a compressor, I find a small air powered hacksaw much more useful

MikeRJ - 11/12/08 at 09:35 PM

I've got a B&D Wizard which I've had for years and it's seen lots of use, but I've not used it a huge amount on car related stuff. It can be useful for grinding down small rust spots to clean metal, and cutting holes in thin steel that would get mangled by a jigsaw, and it got me out of a hole with my MR2 when an exhaust bolt had rusted solid and there was no way I could get a hacksaw or hammer and chisel into the space.

I will certainly buy another one when this one dies.

[Edited on 11/12/08 by MikeRJ]

Flamez - 12/12/08 at 05:03 AM

I have the B&D its great for trimming fibreglass wouldn't be without it.

Flamez - 12/12/08 at 05:03 AM

I have the B&D its great for trimming fibreglass wouldn't be without it.

DarrenW - 12/12/08 at 09:46 AM

i bought a B&D rotozip tool for cutting the bodywork (GRP) holes out. Didnt use it for anything else though.

matt_gsxr - 12/12/08 at 11:10 PM

Dremels are "The thinking man's angle grinder"

Greatest tool ever.

I've had non-Dremel rotary tools, and most are rubbish by comparison. Real Dremels are expensive, but worth it.
