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RIP Bosch
IainB - 12/2/07 at 04:31 PM

My long serving Bosch orbital sander has finally bitten the dust, rather violently!

Any recomendations for a replacement?

It has to be reasonably powerful, not some black & decker 'mouse'. Would also prefer if I can use normal paper on it rather than velcro stuff. Iv had a look on Ebay, the dust bag thing on some of them looks like a good idea. Also, what exaclty is the advantage of a 'random' sander as opposed to the orbital?

I bought a Draper tri base sander thing a while back and although its great for doing the smaller stuff the damn thing sucks all the dust up into the workings, clogs, overheats and is generally sh*t. I have cleaned and rebuilt it twice in 10 months wheras the Bosch has been going strong for longer than I have!


James - 12/2/07 at 05:26 PM

From the title I had a nasty feeling you were going to say it'd gone bust or been bought by the Chinese or something!

I know nothing about sanders btw!


pewe - 12/2/07 at 06:26 PM

You can't beat Bosch quality but as most of the trade have found you can buy two or three throw-away cheapies for the same money. I've bought quite a few of Wickes' "Professional" powertools and they seem to last quite well. Cheers,

donut - 12/2/07 at 07:07 PM

If it was a long serving Bosh then why not buy another!

blockhead_rich - 12/2/07 at 08:10 PM

You must buy a Bosch one - U2U me and I'll see what I can do for you.


IainB - 12/2/07 at 08:47 PM

that was kind of my question, are bosch still quality or have they gone downhill to price match cheaper makes?

I mainly use it for bodywork on the fiat - sanding down old paint, filler, etc. Would a 'Random' orbital jobby be better for this? Man, I could really do with a compressor!


blockhead_rich - 12/2/07 at 09:19 PM

I can assure you that Bosch still requires their product quality to be of the highest order and go to great lengths to ensure their development teams test products according a wide range of criteria and life time targets at all stages of the design and development process. Also we benchmark our products with those of the competition to ensure we stay ahead of the game!

You pays your money and takes your choice.

givemethebighammer - 12/2/07 at 09:32 PM

Originally posted by donut
If it was a long serving Bosh then why not buy another!

Yup, that's what I did when my first Bosch drill died after 2 years of heavy service. The replacement is still going two years on.