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Hangover cure
omega0684 - 7/7/08 at 08:30 AM

went out last night for a few QUIET drinks with a mate. we said that it would be no more than a couple of pints................... anyway long story short, we met a group of girls that were all dressed in ILLUMINOUS LYCRA! (the theme for there night out) and we ended up out until gone 3am this morning, i now have one of the worst hangovers i've EVER had

so here is my plee, does anyone know a fast acting hangover cure?

please help, this is almost as bad as man flu

Benzine - 7/7/08 at 08:36 AM

keep drinking

Peteff - 7/7/08 at 08:52 AM

To avoid waking up in the morning with a hangover, stay in bed till afternoon.
Did you get a result though, that's the important bit

andyharding - 7/7/08 at 08:53 AM

Pint of water, 2 strong pain killers and a bacon butty always does it for me.

eznfrank - 7/7/08 at 09:52 AM

May not be entirely medically 100% safe or even recommended, but if you know any divers a 100% oxygen mix (or maybe a bit of nitro too, not too much) for about 10 mins will have it gone no probs!

[Edited on 7/7/08 by eznfrank]

mistergrumpy - 7/7/08 at 10:17 AM

Ah reminds of working with the oxy bottles on fast jets. Only thing is the hangover comes crashing back once you stop the oxygen.

Castrol Dave - 7/7/08 at 10:22 AM

You may not like the sound of it, but

Warm water
Salt 1-2 pack of what you get in cafes (you do not taste it)
Sugar 2-3 table spoons full more if you can still taste the salt.

Basic saline solution.
If you don’t like the idea of that, have a sweet tea and a bacon sarnie, same sugar salt thing.

any pics of your night out????

[Edited on 7/7/08 by Castrol Dave]

chris_smith - 7/7/08 at 12:15 PM

pack of salt vinegar and a can of tizer works for me.

but now i down 2 pints of water when i get in and never wake with bad hangover

Peteff - 7/7/08 at 12:33 PM

Originally posted by chris_smith
pack of salt vinegar and a can of tizer works for me.

but now i down 2 pints of water when i get in and never wake with bad hangover

Because I'm up all night p!ssing

omega0684 - 7/7/08 at 01:25 PM

thanks guys, i still have a head ache and my stomach is in knots! i will try and get photo's off my phone but they are a bit shitty, only 2 megapixel tho

donut - 8/7/08 at 06:36 AM

Sod the hangover....did you get lucky?

[Edited on 8/7/08 by donut]

MikeR - 8/7/08 at 09:35 PM

sod did you get lucky - i want to see the pics