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Where can I buy Locost bodywork from?
Simon W - 9/7/07 at 07:06 AM

I am looking for a Locost bodywork set (nose, scuttle, front and rear wings) for a book chassis (Stuart Taylor). I would prefer Luego stye but the new owner of Luego are no longer marketing the Locost. Anyone know where I can get the set from?

PS. Stuart Taylor (Aries) do the bodywork but they appear to use BS5252 colours which to me just look really dull compared to the RAL set. I am looking for either signal red or a bright yellow and black front and rear wings.

Simon W - 9/7/07 at 07:13 AM

PS. Not GTS thanks!

Danozeman - 9/7/07 at 09:05 AM

Dude the standard velocity stuff fits locost book body.. Youl get the bonnet vent with that aswell.

Rudy - 9/7/07 at 09:27 AM

Originally posted by Simon W
PS. Not GTS thanks!

Why not GTS ?
It seems that now they are ok?
Or not jet?

COREdevelopments - 9/7/07 at 09:46 AM

i got mine from gts and its terrible quality! sides and rear panel are fine, but the scuttle bonnet and nose cone are not upto scratch at all!! also velocity scuttle and bonnet are higher than locost,


graememk - 9/7/07 at 11:15 AM

keep an eye on ebay theres some comes up every now and again

TimC - 9/7/07 at 12:09 PM

Try Procomp.

I think they always stock black and can get other colours.

TimC - 9/7/07 at 12:11 PM

Originally posted by CaLviNx
Having seen all the major players bodywork in the flesh, GTS's bodywork ranks as a second equal to Mac#1 with only the quality of the MNR bodywork taking a resounding first.

Agreed, although I think Westfield still better MNR on flawless quality - but only just!

COREdevelopments - 9/7/07 at 01:03 PM

calvin i was just stating that the locost panels are not as good quality as the normal gts ones, this is because they were using old moulds at the time i purchased which was a while ago now, i did try to complain to the relevant person. im not going into this subject to deep as i have better things to do, and plus im not that bothered about it now as its all done and dusted,
i would purchase off darren again if needed, but just stating that the locost bodywork is not good quality. i have seen gts cars all with really tidy bodywork,
sorry if i have upset some people, i was just giving my opinion


TimC - 9/7/07 at 03:50 PM

Originally posted by CaLviNx
Originally posted by TimC
Agreed, although I think Westfield still better MNR on flawless quality - but only just!

Hmmmm not sure about that, have you looked at the "new" bodywork on the Westfield, especially the rear tub, we (Garry,Oli & myself) were at a local hillclimb a few months back, and the guy who had one of the new body worked Westfield's, and the rear tub was so far off (out of the mould) that he had to fit the rear tub off at an angle and cut back the roll bar holes (pre moulded) to allow the bodywork to fit, and the front nosecone was not much better, and i always thought the same that Westfield would be almost production car car quality or better, but after seeing That Westfield, then seeing the MNR bodywork AFTER seeing the Westfield, my money would still be on the MNR Panels being a better quality.

I haven't given the new bodywork too much attention in fairness. The fact the the rear end looks like the CMW Snake put me off enough. The classic shaped GRP is always lovely though.

mistergrumpy - 9/7/07 at 05:26 PM

Just a note. I e mailed MNR at locostparts end of last week re back panel and sides among things and they said I'd have to wait till October cos they're so busy

omega 24 v6 - 9/7/07 at 07:36 PM


I haven't given the new bodywork too much attention in fairness. The fact the the rear end looks like the CMW Snake put me off enough. The classic shaped GRP is always lovely though.

Strange thing was I really liked the westy body work untill I saw the state of the rear tub top panel. I reckon it was around 40mm of difference from one side to another. It looked terrible IMHO and for an expensive kit was not IMHO value/quality for money.

As for MNR being slow on delivery there was a post on here saying that a wedding was imminent and deliveries would be delayed/not taken untill a later date?IIRC

Litemoth - 9/7/07 at 07:57 PM

For what it's worth, I spoke to Marc's (MNR fame) dad and he explained that they'd been hit quite badly by the flooding and the wedding was a bit of a distraction too. So things are running a bit behind.
Don't MK do locost options?

zxrlocost - 9/7/07 at 08:21 PM

Marc is on his honeymoon a post was put on locostbuilders a good few days back.

graememk - 9/7/07 at 10:26 PM

ebay number 110146959612

TimC - 10/7/07 at 07:10 AM

Originally posted by mistergrumpy
Just a note. I e mailed MNR at locostparts end of last week re back panel and sides among things and they said I'd have to wait till October cos they're so busy

I think the key issue is that it's a new part for them. Hence, the lead time would be due to development/mould making and not just production hold-ups.

mistergrumpy - 10/7/07 at 05:40 PM

I'm not complaining ^ by the way. Its a bit frustrating but then I'm a bit skint and I'm perfectly happy to be told there's a wait rather than someone blag me and keep saying it'll be here soon and it not arrive. I've dealt with Marc before and he made a slight mistake , I rang him and it was here next day.Great service. I think his honeymoons over by the way.Site says he'll be back 27/28 June I think. Still we're all entitled to time off eh