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Another ATSpeed and Omex Recommendation!
andylancaster3000 - 27/7/11 at 12:02 PM

Finally we have got to the end of our conversion from CVH to 2.0 Duratec (which took far too long if you compare it to how long it took to build the car in the first place!) but am very happy with the results. The process has been a suprisingly easy step into the world of EFI. I guess this is helped by the Omex which seems to be worth every penny. The engine fired on first press of the start button on Saturday evening with base map supplied by ATspeed. By midday monday we had finished our rolling road session with them with a healthy 166BHP at the wheels and a nice spread of torque!

The service was very freindly and helpful indeed. Since buying the ECU from them, Colin has been very helpful and forthcoming with information. Apologies for turning up with bits of the bodywork not fitted or painted and it looking a bit tatty - its been a bit of a rush to get it ready for this week and bodywork etc has had slightly less priority! I'll try and get a few pictures sorted.

We are now ready and entered at Snetterton in the 750mc Kits this weekend - so lets hope I can at least get a couple of finishes (high hopes ay!)

Tiger Super Six - 27/7/11 at 12:30 PM

Excellent news, I have just got my Duratec started and am looking to book it into ATSpeed in the next few weeks. Is yours a standard engine or had it had some work? Mine is standard and I am guessing I might get 185bhp at the flywheel?

livelee - 27/7/11 at 12:43 PM

Those are some good numbers. As above, what mods does the engine have? I'm at ATSpeed next week for a 2nd mapping session on my 2.0 Zetec. Would love to get somewhere close to yours.

andylancaster3000 - 27/7/11 at 12:47 PM

The engine is standard accept for a slight head skim and better rod bolts. We're using dellorto 45s with sleeves in place of the chokes as throttle bodies and a bespoke exhaust manifold designed for the engine.185 sounds sensible yeh, guess that's about what ours is accounting for losses.

Tiger Super Six - 27/7/11 at 12:54 PM

Will let you know when the time comes for mine!!

atspeed racing - 27/7/11 at 04:02 PM

glad you are pleased withe service and results andy, character building was free

your fuel pump was shipped today, be with you tomorrow

