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Litter thrown from car window
MP3C - 5/8/13 at 04:01 PM

Was coming out of ASDA in Kettering on my lunch break following a BMW and saw a "hot food" bag just been thrown from the car window! Thought this was absolutely disgusting behavior, anyway it was going the same way as me which annoyed me more... anyway further into the journey a child's arm comes out of the window with a juice bottle in it and just flings it into the road in front of me! Don't get me wrong I'm a patient driver but when I see an empty bottle coming straight at me from the car in front and hear bang off the bottom of my car lets just say I got a little mad! So was on the horn and everything but the driver either didn't hear or didn't pay any attention.
Anyway a roundabout was coming up with the lights on red - driver was going straight on and I was going right so thought I would pull up beside her and give her a little ear bashing. Basically said "Your kid has just thrown a empty bottle out of your car into the middle of the road in front of me!" she looked around at her kids then basically shrugged which I thought was horrendous parenting so I followed up with "Is this the example you set to your kids, allowing them to throw rubbish out of the window? I think it's absolutely disgusting!" she just ignored me which wound me up more so I got her attention with a quick whistle and basically said "You scruffy b*****d" made sure she heard and then went back for my lunch (feel a bit bad swearing like that in front of the kids but I'm sure from the look of the mum they have heard a lot worse than that).

I think this is absurd that some parents allow their kids to throw things out of the window like this and don't discipline them really annoyed me as I hate seeing litter on the side of the roads!

Anyway rant over, just thought I would mention it on here and see if anybody else had any similar experiences?


Ninehigh - 5/8/13 at 04:12 PM

This is why my car is currently 2 inches deep in rubbish, I'd rather it be on my floor than out my window.

coozer - 5/8/13 at 04:18 PM

It is illegal to throw litter out the window, shame the rozzers weren't around to give her a ear bashing and purse bashing fixed penalty!

SteveWallace - 5/8/13 at 04:19 PM

My mother lives next to a nursery. The other day, a mother, having picked up her young child proceeded to change her baby's nappy on the seat of the car and then throw the soiled nappy onto the pavement before driving off!!

Saw a news article a few weeks ago where the police/traffic wardens went to a primary school to point out to parents that parking on the zigzag yellow lines was not only an offence but actually dangerous to their children. One drivers response was to hurl such a load of abuse (with his child present in the car!) that most of the rant had to be 'bleeped' out.

Some people should not be allowed to have children

Slimy38 - 5/8/13 at 04:23 PM

Originally posted by Ninehigh
This is why my car is currently 2 inches deep in rubbish, I'd rather it be on my floor than out my window.

Same for my wife's car, it gets all the kids rubbish. We shovel it out once a month, job done. My daughter won't throw things on the floor at any time, she'll either find a bin or (more often) give it to us.

james h - 5/8/13 at 04:28 PM

Its infuriating, shame you couldn't have thrown the rubbish back into her car

It's especially bad if when you're driving your kit and you get a face full of crap, or even worse (I think I read this on here) is when a fag end ends up hitting you after being thrown out with no regard for the driver behind whatsoever. Grr

steve m - 5/8/13 at 04:31 PM

Its a shame you could not collect the rubbish, and throw it back into her lap, with your harsh words, "you scruffy bitch"
that would of been funny,

Oh, and it was a BMW, says it all

steve m - 5/8/13 at 04:31 PM

Ooops, James beat me to that one!!

james h - 5/8/13 at 04:36 PM


Made a note of where her house was and empty your bins just in front of her drive... Too far?

steve m - 5/8/13 at 04:41 PM

Were's the like button ??

renetom - 5/8/13 at 04:57 PM

I live in what was once a nice country lane
Now thanks to the Scum who throw their rubbish
out of their windows it looks like the council tip.
Horsham district council never clear it .

James - 5/8/13 at 05:06 PM

When I was about 12 I was in the back of the car with a friend who was coming back for tea after school.

Even though I'd always been taught not to drop litter I thought it a good idea to throw a used drinks can from the window. Very funny I thought in front of my mate...

My Mum realised what I'd done, stopped the car, had a go at me and made me run back down the road (some distance) to go and get it.
Humiliation can have a very disciplinary effect!

Needless to say, I haven't done that again since!


MP3C - 5/8/13 at 05:07 PM

Would have loved to throw some rubbish back into her car, but like most people when I have rubbish I save it until journeys end and throw it into the bin!

What annoyed me more than the rubbish was the fact that she didn't care what she or her kids had done... Would have loved a dash cam to record her kids doing it and then see if I could get her a fine

twybrow - 5/8/13 at 05:48 PM

I recently collected a load of rubbish that someone throw out of their window coming out of Asda (I think Asda might be the link here)... I crossed the car park, and shoved it back through the window of the car that had thrown it, along with the line 'I think you dropped something'. The two girls inside looked rather sheepish after that!

Last week, the Mrs saw a van full of workmen pulled over in the lay-by opposite our house having their lunch. The driver through every item of rubbish from his lunch out of his window. Needless to say, the mrs didn't sit back and watch it - she marched over, collected it all up, and handed it back to the driver along with a reminder that they were in a sign written van advertising the company they worked for.... They apologised and drove off rather sharpish!

Numpties - litter louts really annoy me... There is no need!

Wadders - 5/8/13 at 05:52 PM

My mate got a £60 council fine for lobbing an apple core out of his van window onto a grass verge, and no amount of arguing about
birds eating it or apples falling from trees etc made any difference

steve m - 5/8/13 at 06:11 PM


I drive down your road quite often, and pass your house

wonder what will be in your front garden soon

NOT !!!

rdodger - 5/8/13 at 06:42 PM

Funny you should bring this up.

Yesterday I was driving through Manchester city centre when from the van in front came a balled up paper bag. I wasn't 100% it came from the van so did nothing. 1/4 later came an empty drink can from each window followed by another paper bag.

I hate the filthy Ba****ds that do this so pulled up at the lights and shouted over politely that they seemed to have dropped some rubbish. A massive bald head came out of the window and proceeded to tell me to go do things to myself a lady of the night would think twice about.

Luckily the lights changed before he could get out of the van and help me.

bigfoot4616 - 5/8/13 at 07:00 PM

Originally posted by Wadders
My mate got a £60 council fine for lobbing an apple core out of his van window onto a grass verge, and no amount of arguing about
birds eating it or apples falling from trees etc made any difference

that is one thing i will and do throw out of the window if i'm out of a built up area. even if something doesn't eat it it will soon rot away under a hedge.

every couple of weeks i usually clear out a couple of carrier bags of rubbish from the van floor.

macc man - 5/8/13 at 07:09 PM

The best one I remember is when a car emptied its ashtray at the side of the road as my mate passed by. He picked most of it up and knocked on the window. When the driver wound his window down he deposited it in his lap saying I think you droped this. What could he say??

ReMan - 5/8/13 at 08:28 PM

Originally posted by rdodger
Funny you should bring this up.

Yesterday I was driving through Manchester city centre when from the van in front came a balled up paper bag. I wasn't 100% it came from the van so did nothing. 1/4 later came an empty drink can from each window followed by another paper bag.

I hate the filthy Ba****ds that do this so pulled up at the lights and shouted over politely that they seemed to have dropped some rubbish. A massive bald head came out of the window and proceeded to tell me to go do things to myself a lady of the night would think twice about.

Luckily the lights changed before he could get out of the van and help me.

Oh well at least it was'nt a gun or a knife.
Much reason why peeps should be careful about remonstrating with some of the scum in this country. They dont care about the law so it night not stop at a thrown out bag of rubbish.

rdodger - 5/8/13 at 08:35 PM

Originally posted by ReMan
Originally posted by rdodger
Funny you should bring this up.

Yesterday I was driving through Manchester city centre when from the van in front came a balled up paper bag. I wasn't 100% it came from the van so did nothing. 1/4 later came an empty drink can from each window followed by another paper bag.

I hate the filthy Ba****ds that do this so pulled up at the lights and shouted over politely that they seemed to have dropped some rubbish. A massive bald head came out of the window and proceeded to tell me to go do things to myself a lady of the night would think twice about.

Luckily the lights changed before he could get out of the van and help me.

Oh well at least it was'nt a gun or a knife.
Much reason why peeps should be careful about remonstrating with some of the scum in this country. They dont care about the law so it night not stop at a thrown out bag of rubbish.

The part of Manchester I was in it could well have been a gun!

coyoteboy - 5/8/13 at 09:07 PM

Take reg, call police, report littering.

Less cathartic but more effective and less risky.

JoelP - 5/8/13 at 09:31 PM

I often wish I had a rubber glove when out and about, when you see someone not picking up their dogs turds you could then proceed to throw it at them. It seems as perfectly reasonable course of action once you've wasted time cleaning poo off your kids shoes!

hughpinder - 6/8/13 at 07:11 AM

I live on a main road 5 miles from the nearest town, and nearly 20 miles from the nearest macdonalds - I have about 200 meters of road front, and while I could still be bothered I used to pick up a carrier bag of litter every week from the grass/hedge. Every month or so there will be a bag of macdonalds stuff in there, or used nappies ..... How can people act like that.


monkeyarms - 6/8/13 at 07:28 AM


I cant stand littering

DanG - 6/8/13 at 07:54 AM

Originally posted by monkeyarms

I cant stand littering

Like the rest of you, rubbish being thrown from cars (incl cigarette ends) really angers me. I like the idea of reporting it on the link above but does anything really happen when you do so???

MP3C - 6/8/13 at 08:33 AM

I did actually find that website to report it and did fill it out, however it doesn't ask for the registration of the car, so I don't really think they do anything about it, I think they just want the information for statistics on where the litter is being dropped.

motorcycle_mayhem - 6/8/13 at 09:24 AM

I see this continually, everything comes out of car windows.... it's also the bottles full of urine that come from multiple occupancy vans that are quite frightening.

You can try and legislate morality, the Bliar ASBO was the usual type of response, but most of the readers here will have had this instilled in them at an early age. I guess the Me-Me generation don't give a.... as usual.

r1_pete - 6/8/13 at 10:51 AM

Originally posted by JoelP
I often wish I had a rubber glove when out and about, when you see someone not picking up their dogs turds you could then proceed to throw it at them. It seems as perfectly reasonable course of action once you've wasted time cleaning poo off your kids shoes!

We have a neighbor who's dog regularly crapped on my front lawn, even though it was on a lead! told the owner to pick it up, and next time I saw it happen I would shovel it up and put it through his letterbox, tries to shrug it off and walks away...

Would love to have seen his face when he found his dogs turd on his hall carpet and the mess round the letterbox!!

Hasn't happened since, and he walks a different route now.

steve m - 6/8/13 at 11:46 AM

Pete, my sister and I did exactly the same thing to a neighbour who used to open his front door, and let his dogs do their business on very ones front gardens
His dogs never got let out again !!

He was a nasty piece of work, and a complete cnut, so im sure he never knew who did the deed to him,

Ninehigh - 6/8/13 at 12:22 PM

Originally posted by JoelP
I often wish I had a rubber glove when out and about, when you see someone not picking up their dogs turds you could then proceed to throw it at them. It seems as perfectly reasonable course of action once you've wasted time cleaning poo off your kids shoes!

I read a story about a runner who did just that. He was wearing some sort of gloves so he picked it up and shouted "hey love you've dropped something"

She turned around, held her hand out, and got it filled with poo. He just carried on with his running.

richardm6994 - 6/8/13 at 12:41 PM

these are brilliant stories!!! I can't stand dog owners who don't clear up after their dogs!!
If you're not willing to pick up the little brown parcels then you shouldn't be allowed to own a dog!!! SIMPLES!!

Even when our dog had the "runs" from eating apples off our tree (doesn't happen that often now thank god), I still tried my best to clear that mess up and I carried water with me to rinse it away as best as possible.

Here's my little story...It's only happened a couple of times, but when I'm out with our dog and I see people not cleaning up after their dogs, I just walk over to them with a poo bag and ask them "have you run out of poo bags because I've got plenty spare if you want one" far they've all claimed to have "just used their last bag". They have however taken my poo bag............but the looks on their faces when they realise I'm not going to move on until I've seen them pick it up is priceless!!!

karlak - 6/8/13 at 03:06 PM

What about me today.....

Driving to work and a mother pushing a push chair on the path up ahead, with her other little darling about 20 yards ahead of her. So I move to the middle of the road, because I hate to see young children on the path next to the road by themselves.

As I pass the little cherub turns and throws a stone at my car. I slow down and reverse up to ask the mother if she thought it was acceptable ? She first said she didn't see him , rubbish, then obviously is embarrassed, then gets all defensive. "he is only 4 blah blah blah". Well if he is only 4 years old, then you should have him under control near a road.

Unbelievable attitude

RedAvon - 7/8/13 at 02:39 PM

SteveWallace - 7/8/13 at 05:55 PM

What I don't understand is why some of the people who do bother to pick up their dogs poop then proceed to hang the bag off the nearest tree or hedge like some sort of brown and smelly Christmas tree decoration.

Does this happen elsewhere or is it just the idiots around where I live?

I still like Ronnie Barkers' line about walking down the street and picking up a small brown Richard the third, placing it on a wall .... and then watching it fly away.