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best day and time to list on ebay?
teegray19 - 25/9/13 at 08:29 PM

teegray19 - 25/9/13 at 08:31 PM

What are peoples opinions on best time and day to list on ebay?

The crossflow is ready to go on the bay and dont want potential buyers missing out!

MsD - 25/9/13 at 08:36 PM

I've always been told Sunday night.... So that is when I've always listed. Working on the logic that people are at home not doung much,waiting to go to work in the morning... But recently I don't think it he's made much difference.


Proby - 25/9/13 at 08:44 PM

Thursday evening (between 2000-2100) for a 10 day auction. You then get two weekends then for people to see your items. Always seems to work for me.

daniel mason - 25/9/13 at 08:49 PM

proby is on the money! i almost always do the same

carpmart - 25/9/13 at 08:51 PM

Sunday night ending around 20.00 for a seven day auction

DavidM - 25/9/13 at 09:00 PM

Originally posted by carpmart
Sunday night ending around 20.00 for a seven day auction



coyoteboy - 25/9/13 at 09:12 PM

Aye it's all about the ending time and the duration of visibility. Max weekend and evening content, keep away from commuting times and try to make it end on a Sunday evening when folk are relaxed at home watching TV rather than rushing in from work or dealing with the kids. 7 day, start sunday 7-9ish, 10 day start thurs etc.

That said, I've never found it makes any difference as to whether something sells or not - that seems to depend entirely on the price or the object. I've had some valuable stuff (dual mass flywheel in great condition with offer of testing and returning) up for £20, nothing for 5 attempts. 1988 peugeot 205 fan knob - £5. Random bicycle part that cost £3 when I bought it a year earlier - £10.

Scuzzle - 26/9/13 at 12:52 AM

Agree with Sunday night, if it's something expensive you are listing having it end on the first few of days of the month is good for those who are paid monthly as well. It's a lot easier shelling out big money with the full months wage behind you rather than half way through when most of it is gone.

dhutch - 26/9/13 at 07:31 AM

Depends what i'm selling, if its something fairly generic I don't think it makes much odds, but if its something a bit more specialist, as said I aim for a 10 day listing ending around 6-10 on a Sunday evening.


Barlidge - 26/9/13 at 08:10 AM

Originally posted by Proby
Thursday evening (between 2000-2100) for a 10 day auction. You then get two weekends then for people to see your items. Always seems to work for me.

+1 for the above, for a bidding item that is. If its on a buy it now then anytime.

teegray19 - 26/9/13 at 10:21 AM

Cheers all for response,

Its getting listed Sunday night! for 7 days, ending still near the start of the month.

jossey - 26/9/13 at 11:34 AM

Originally posted by Proby
Thursday evening (between 2000-2100) for a 10 day auction. You then get two weekends then for people to see your items. Always seems to work for me.

As above but end between 6pm n 9m

coyoteboy - 26/9/13 at 11:52 AM


Agree with Sunday night, if it's something expensive you are listing having it end on the first few of days of the month is good for those who are paid monthly as well. It's a lot easier shelling out big money with the full months wage behind you rather than half way through when most of it is gone.

Never really understood this, unless you're operating from a base of zero, it averages out anyway.

loggyboy - 26/9/13 at 12:37 PM

Originally posted by coyoteboy

Agree with Sunday night, if it's something expensive you are listing having it end on the first few of days of the month is good for those who are paid monthly as well. It's a lot easier shelling out big money with the full months wage behind you rather than half way through when most of it is gone.

Never really understood this, unless you're operating from a base of zero, it averages out anyway.

Most people live hand to mouth, I usualy buy more expensive things when ive been paid, then instead of flittering it away on small items throughout the month.

nick205 - 26/9/13 at 12:42 PM

Originally posted by coyoteboy

Agree with Sunday night, if it's something expensive you are listing having it end on the first few of days of the month is good for those who are paid monthly as well. It's a lot easier shelling out big money with the full months wage behind you rather than half way through when most of it is gone.

Never really understood this, unless you're operating from a base of zero, it averages out anyway.

A lot of people do operate from a base of zero or negative.

dhutch - 26/9/13 at 12:50 PM

Originally posted by nick205
A lot of people do operate from a base of zero or negative.

I have to admit if im living hand to mouth I try to avoid ebay all together, but its a valid point.

mortsi - 26/9/13 at 03:12 PM

sunday between 10am and 12.that way if its collection most will collect that afternoon or if to post you can post first thing monday

also most weekends seem to be free listing

coyoteboy - 29/9/13 at 07:41 PM


A lot of people do operate from a base of zero or negative.

If I lived around a base of zero I wouldn't be ebaying I don't think. But it is a valid point, it seems many people do.

Scuzzle - 29/9/13 at 07:54 PM

Loads of people get paid monthly and know it's all allocated for the month ahead but they still want what they want so if it's something expensive I'm selling I usually try and have it end around the time that someone who is paid monthly has their full pay in the bank. Just helps with getting the best price you can.
Even with the ones that can easily afford it it still helps them part with it when they have just been paid and the bank balance is looking healthy.