I work in Milton Keynes.
Im not after sympathy
Nice suprise on Monday. I drive past a speed cam about 3/4 miles from work. It used to be a 40 zone, then they changed it to 30. they had mixed speed
signs up - different in each direction - for a week or two. No signs warning that the limit has dropped from 40 to thirty. Just change the signs and
let the buggers notice themselves or pay the price (60 quid of course). Lots of people must have got nicked if they hadnt realised the change.
Monday morning - no cam. Its been beheaded and nicked
Apparently, 3 were done in MK recently - all with an oxy torch
[Edited on 20/1/04 by stephen_gusterson]
While it is true that no one individual is above the law.....if a majority of the people disagree with a law..then the law should be changed....
While not condoing this activity (yeah, right) it is simply the people speaking out that cameras in inapproprite places (i.e. revenue rasing only
locations) are just not acceptable....IMO
Drove up to aberdeen yesterday, and on the A90 there is a camera hidden behind a sign, about 20 yards past it.
1) I thought that was made illegal (or did they un-make the law?)
2) Imagine the scenario of someone doing a even a tad over 70, seeing this camera at the last minute and hitting the brakes.
Tell me the camera is there to reduce accients on that perfectly straight piece of road!!
actuallt, the cam in question is right in the middle of the road. and its yellow. you cant miss it - unless on auto pilot - which I am after a 30 mile
journey most days.
what I recon pissed peeps off is that the road was 40, and changed to 30. if a junction is changed there are lots of warning signs. when they change
speed limits, its diddly squat.
come the revolution, I will personally shoot these speed cam bastards.
currently nul point
but not for long methinks. or me mate with the new subaru
that camera will be one of say 12 in 50 mile stretch of which 2 miles of it are dangerous....mental,just another tax and we are sitting ducks....(can I get off my soapbox now please!!!!)
if enough get topped at £20,000 a time it would be not finantialy worth while re-placing them,as this is all about money and nowt to do with safety they should give up,ta for the borrow of yr soap box
Originally posted by theconrodkid
if enough get topped at £20,000 a time it would be not finantialy worth while re-placing them,as this is all about money and nowt to do with safety they should give up,ta for the borrow of yr soap box
unfortunately its taxpayer who undoubtedly foot the bill for new ones, so its a no win situation really.
best bet is to spray the lens so its less obviously destroyed, might take longer to fix as well...
you know when I was over there it took me a day to relize that those were speed camera's! (We dont have those types in my area). I wonder how
many tickets the rental company got? I never drove slow there, all the twisting roads under nice trees, man it was great!
Anyone need to rent out a room? I would love to be the renty!!
Someone did this to our local camera recently. Still trying to find out who!
I reckon the best defence would be a run of shootings of the guys who change the film. Hey presto, they all fear for their lives, quit their jobs and
all the cameras run out of film..... probably
Originally posted by stephen_gusterson
actuallt, the cam in question is right in the middle of the road. and its yellow.
Would happen to be Old Wolverton Road would it? Have to watch out for it the next time I go to Motoserv...
Viper - 25/1/04 at 02:10 AMblimey butler not another from Milton Keynes,
Jon Ison - 25/1/04 at 11:44 AMcant remember road numbers ect....but the jist of it was this..........
the worst roads in Britain, most deaths, accidents per mile totaled 147 miles of road, along 12 different stretchs, how many cameras to be found along this 147 miles of roads ?
exactley...think it was 4, defo single figures, was on top gear a while ago, i may be a bit off but not far.
Me, if your caught speeding in a built up area, school ect, you deserve all you get, if your 20 miles from civaliation on a straight road with one bush, to hide the camera, an get caught, it stinks, 99% of cameras are placed to get revenue, not make roads safer, if they put them where needed and removed them from "hidey holes" then the public would more readily accept them.
just my humble opinion.
malcolmstoddart - 25/1/04 at 12:20 PMwhat pi**es me off is the hiding of the cameras, in a bush or up a tree - you know what I mean...
whereas at a danerous bit of the road they if had big feck off signs and a camera there, then folk would slow down...instead nowt..
Take the A68 from Edinburgh to the England/Scotland border nice mixed road of good straights and twisty bits and there are 21 speed cameras and 1 road tax device in 53 miles..and there is one mid apex south of Lauder...(behind a big sign) thought that was illegal !!!!
Peteff - 25/1/04 at 12:40 PMOn the A515 the speed limit was 60 but people were doing a lot more and having accidents because of it. So the limit was changed to 50 and 40 in different areas so you were never sure which limit you were in. Why not leave the limit at 60 on an open country road like that and enforce it more rigidly like they do after they lower it. That's what bugs me.
yours, Pete.
stephen_gusterson - 25/1/04 at 12:53 PMYes it is
thats the one!
Originally posted by thebutler
Originally posted by stephen_gusterson
actuallt, the cam in question is right in the middle of the road. and its yellow.
Would happen to be Old Wolverton Road would it? Have to watch out for it the next time I go to Motoserv...