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Christmas Avatars !!!!!!!!!
locoR1 - 6/12/08 at 06:25 PM

Well the Christmas decorations are going up tomorrow, so it must be about time the Christmas avatars came out!

What do you think to early ?

Lets have a show of hands or in this case Avatars! and Bah Humbug to those that object

mookaloid - 6/12/08 at 06:30 PM

Mine's been out for 6 days now

omega0684 - 6/12/08 at 06:34 PM

I think NOT!

dhutch - 6/12/08 at 06:36 PM

Yeah i like yours loco, but omega's wins hands down so far in my book.

chris_smith - 6/12/08 at 06:39 PM

ok ill get on the band wagon

speedyxjs - 6/12/08 at 06:49 PM

Il see what i can find

clairetoo - 6/12/08 at 07:02 PM

Christmas - bah , humbug

pinto - 6/12/08 at 07:02 PM

supose its that time of year
to join in

[Edited on 073131p://666 by pinto]

pinto - 6/12/08 at 07:03 PM

suppose its that time of year
to join in

David Jenkins - 6/12/08 at 07:06 PM

Yep - now 1st December has passed I'll admit that Christmas is due...

speedyxjs - 6/12/08 at 07:06 PM

Found one

bob - 6/12/08 at 07:28 PM

My regular yoda pic, not sure why i like it but i just do.

I did find another pic but i know if i used it as an avatar i would probably be banned for life.bah humbug

dogwood - 6/12/08 at 07:31 PM

I'm in as well

Colnago_Man - 6/12/08 at 07:37 PM

Couldnt resist a ho at Christmas....

scootz - 6/12/08 at 07:51 PM

In for a penny... !

Humbug - 6/12/08 at 08:09 PM

Originally posted by clairetoo
Christmas - bah , humbug


hmmm - clairetoo too taking my name in vain

Hellfire - 6/12/08 at 08:19 PM

Had mine for six weeks now. I love Christmas...............


speedyxjs - 6/12/08 at 08:36 PM

Is it just me or does scootz's look familiar?

I love speed :-P - 6/12/08 at 08:45 PM

19 days to go until the big day

02GF74 - 6/12/08 at 08:48 PM

... well I suppose so .....

Hammerhead - 6/12/08 at 08:50 PM

far too early........I refuse to join in!

scootz - 6/12/08 at 09:01 PM

Originally posted by speedyxjs
Is it just me or does scootz's look familiar?

It's a variation on a theme!

chrsgrain - 6/12/08 at 09:40 PM

OK - I'm in - was getting a bit bored of the last one anyhow..... but like the last one, its not that obvious...


Thinking about it - 6/12/08 at 09:54 PM

Why cant I get my chrismas avatar to display?
Simple instructions please.

RichardK - 6/12/08 at 10:44 PM

Just finished putting the tree up so suppose I had to change my avatar..

gavin174 - 6/12/08 at 11:10 PM

just updated mine..

i have been asked to remove mine...

sorry if i offended anyone..

[Edited on 7/12/08 by gavin174]

Thinking about it - 6/12/08 at 11:11 PM

Thanks Chris. can't see what I was doing wrong.

Danozeman - 7/12/08 at 10:02 AM

Im in. Bar humbug....

Trees not going up till xmas eve.

iank - 7/12/08 at 10:04 AM


Danozeman - 7/12/08 at 10:04 AM

Oh i cant decide. Red for tradition or this cos shes sexy.

DIY Si - 7/12/08 at 10:50 AM

I'll drag Jack back out for Xmas again.

ReMan - 7/12/08 at 12:18 PM

This will keep me going till I find a bettre one

locoR1 - 7/12/08 at 12:50 PM

Just came in to warm up its bloody cold out there
Well that's the Chavvy Decorations up on the outside now to tackle the tree, i love this time of year

Love the sexy avatars! i must be looking in the wrong places the ones i keep finding are way to sexy to post up here

Fozzie - 7/12/08 at 01:31 PM


Please keep the avatars 'clean' and decent...

This isn't a men only/over 21's site....... we do have youngsters as members......and people who can only access the site at work......and some who can only use the family computer at home..... please be mindful.....

It doesn't seem fair that just for the sake of a few of people who seem to think they have to find 'sexier/ruder' avatars, the rest of the site will 'have' to block images........

Rant over.......(and I have better things to do other than 'police' avatars)

Fozzie ......Admin

gavin174 - 7/12/08 at 02:08 PM

so are you removing yours then..

David Jenkins - 7/12/08 at 04:21 PM

Fozzie's avatar doesn't catch the eye of the beholder from across the office in the same way as one of a buxom young lady in a large full-colour image...

I'm a member of other sites where avatars are strictly limited to 150 x 150 (you can't even upload anything bigger) and anything risqué will be removed and a final warning issued.

WanchaiWarrior - 8/12/08 at 12:43 AM

Ive changed mine as well