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Liam a terrorist?
stephen_gusterson - 5/2/04 at 09:09 PM

I got this weird email - that I think is from Liams adress on this site - again, its one of those that have an attatchment you are meant to panic open....


You say in the www. that i'm a terrorist!!!

No way out for you. I REPORT YOU !

You've said THAT about me



pretty fu#^&$ stupid attempt really.

Also got an email scammed from ebay. Your accountis on hold. Please supply all your credit card detaisl, inc 3 digit code on back and your pin.

anyone fu^&*&* stupid enough to reply shouldnt be allowed money or anythign sharp!



David Jenkins - 5/2/04 at 09:36 PM


That sounds like the MyDoom virus/worm/whatever. It probably didn't come from Liam's machine - the rogue code nicked it off someone else's machine.

Probably a good idea to make sure your virus checker's up-to-date...



[Edited on 5/2/04 by David Jenkins]

stephen_gusterson - 5/2/04 at 10:26 PM

It is david.

I get at least a couple copies of that a day

Norton catches it

