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Interesting for those who know MK
Alan B - 24/7/02 at 06:17 PM


You might find this thread interesting on Pistonheads:

They are testing the new Westfield and Martins new car gets mentioned.
Is it me or does there seem a kind of blind worship of Westfield products?
Sort of the "Westfield costs 4 times so it must be 4 times as good" kind of logic.

Anyway see what you think.

interestedparty - 24/7/02 at 07:05 PM

The guy obviously likes the Westfield but I reckon most people in the market for that kind of car are going to go for the MK, after all, they could buy a towcar and trailer and still have lots and lots of change from the difference in price. I reckon Westfield can't have liked it much when MK produced the GT1


Alan B - 24/7/02 at 07:11 PM

Hi John,

You'll notice one guys says "you know the westfield will be right, but hope the MK will be" or words to that effect.

18k difference buys a lot of tweaking, or as you say trailer etc. etc.

The thing I noticed is that nobody even hinted that perhaps the westfield could be a bit expensive Perish the thought.

stephen_gusterson - 24/7/02 at 09:53 PM

There is another factor.

A few months ago, I saw a nice new yellow caterham in our company car park!

Asking around, i found it was brought in by a lady whos hubby had bought it new, READY MADE.

When I told her I was building a car like that, i got a reply like ' oh, i wouldnt go for something you had built' (bitch) .

Some people like the idea of the speed and open top motoring, but dont know one end of a spanner from another.

After all, caterham and westfield get mentioned in UK new car listings magazines, so they are almost mainstream for joe soap.

So, there will always be a market for off the peg.



stephen_gusterson - 24/7/02 at 09:54 PM


So westfield is a swear word, on the auto edit feature watsit, and caterham isnt!



Alan B - 25/7/02 at 02:21 AM


I hear what you say and agree about the kit and pre-built markets. However, I think the comparison was for both being home-built on road the estimates, rather than one as a kit versus the other being turnkey, i.e. a fair apples v apples contest.

Obviously I can't vouch for the accuracy of either estimate, but even allowing for some error the difference is huge.

I also agree the MK looks much better.

theconrodkid - 25/7/02 at 05:35 PM

Saw one at a show, cackenham i think,32 grand!

johnston - 25/7/02 at 08:34 PM

sent away the info on the xtr from the so called "kit car" manufsactures wot gets me is they seem to try and push the ready made end of things which to me takes the kit out of the kit car.
and turns it into sopmethin more like one of the radical's super sports

p.s. i would like to state that the afore mentioned correspondants to certain companys was b4 i found this group and b4 i had heard of mk never mind there gt