on my daily journy on the world wide wait, i found this document
My best is about 3 feet
any1 do better
p.s. any tips 4 a two stage system or simlar would be well come
i have just beening playing with the power stuff of the matches, (the pink stuff) adn i have just got one 2 go about 5 feet up and about 15feet
across however it did take 4 matches
off into kitchen, post results later, if i dont need fire engine that is..........
Brings back memories of getting chucked out of a lecture room in college for letting off one of these... well, not exactly for setting one off,
more for falling off my seat with a fit of the giggles after a particularly spectacular launch!
P.S. Try it with wooden matches, but hold down the foil and launch the match...
We use to do a different varient on the same thing when I was at school (originally shown by our cool physics teacher)
Take an empty parker pen refill. De-head half a box a matches and put the resulting powder in refill. Crimp the end to a small slot. Place on top of a
burner and light. WAIT.....WAIT.....WAIT....WOOSH.
Can tell you how far they go, never found one of them.
Awww memeories
we use to fill tennis balls up with matches and gravel, they just smoke a lot when you bounce them off a wall. good idea with the pen tube though!