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Wii fit ERROR!
Mr Whippy - 2/3/09 at 01:32 PM

Missy got one last night on some whim of keep fit lark, so I gave it a go and you like have to stand on this platform an it tells you if your fat! it even goes ouch when you step on!

Anyway missy goes first and I nearly pi$$ myself laughing at the result, I tried to reassure her it was her appendages but she really wasn’t a happy bunny

Then I get on, now I’m 35, 11 stone and have size 31 inch waist and on top of that cycle everyday for years now….and apparently according to the machine….obese with a body age of 45!! WTF what a pill of cr£p that thing is!! I can imagine heaps of folk having heart attacks at such bogus results, it doesn’t even ask if you’re male or female!!

Oh well the games were fun but if you get one, just take the measurements with a huge dose of salt…

[Edited on 2/3/09 by Mr Whippy]

Paul TigerB6 - 2/3/09 at 01:37 PM

Hmmmm now should we believe the machine or Mr Whippy when he says he's 11 stone and 31" waist??

Stop picking on the Wii fatboy!!!!

omega0684 - 2/3/09 at 01:40 PM

dont you mean you are 45 and obese and the wii was taking the pi$$ out of you saying you wish you were 35, 10 stone and a 31" waist

Mr Whippy - 2/3/09 at 01:44 PM

Originally posted by Paul TigerB6
Hmmmm now should we believe the machine or Mr Whippy when he says he's 11 stone and 31" waist??

Stop picking on the Wii fatboy!!!!

see here is the problem, classic big arms small waist, I have no doubt in my mind it was programmed by skinny Chinese folk

omega0684 - 2/3/09 at 01:45 PM

iank - 2/3/09 at 01:46 PM

Hard floor or carpet? Scales over-read on carpet iirc.

p.s. It would have been programmed by Japanese guys not chinese

[Edited on 2/3/09 by iank]

Mr Whippy - 2/3/09 at 01:50 PM

on the carpet, I did think of putting it on some plywood, wil try that tonight

tendoshingan - 2/3/09 at 02:05 PM

Found it to be correct for myself, but I was using it on a laminated floor.

You have to try Shaun Whites Snowboarding. It's very good.

Mr Whippy - 2/3/09 at 02:13 PM

Originally posted by tendoshingan
Found it to be correct for myself, but I was using it on a laminated floor.

You have to try Shaun Whites Snowboarding. It's very good.

will do, looks good for games and I liked the tennis and the golf as it came with a sports game too

Gav - 2/3/09 at 02:15 PM

BMI dosnt take into account muscle mass

The entire england rugby team were classified as morbidly obese!

Mr Whippy - 2/3/09 at 02:33 PM

Originally posted by Gav
BMI dosnt take into account muscle mass

The entire england rugby team were classified as morbidly obese!

Also doesn't seem to take into account the differences in men and woman either, which can be quite heavy

liam.mccaffrey - 2/3/09 at 03:04 PM

BMI is a pile of crap and handicaps anyone with even a slightly higher muscle density, or who is short and thickset. I am unfortunately both!

How can I be morbidly obese with a bodyfat percentage of 13, I told the nurse!

[Edited on 2/3/09 by liam.mccaffrey]

Paul TigerB6 - 2/3/09 at 03:11 PM

I had a couple of arguments with my doctor about my BMI several years ago - and got to the point of changing my doctor as he was so blinkered to his stupid chart!! He told me i needed to lose 1.5 stone and wouldnt listen to a word i said. I was playing county / international friendly badminton at the time so was as fit as a fiddle.

Mr Whippy - 2/3/09 at 03:35 PM

BMI lie linky

The BMI index sounds like prime anorexic making pseudoscience

BenB - 2/3/09 at 04:52 PM

No-one says the BMI is a scientific tool... It's an easy-to-understand gauge to a sensible body weight. For an "average" person it's reasonably useful. For uber sporty people built like brick poo houses it's of little use.

However, me thinks some people protest too much

It's not like in the west we have a problem with people being "too athletic" We have a mahusive (literally) problem with diet dodgers and their consequential risk of heart disease, diabetes, collapsing joints etc etc etc....

Richard Quinn - 2/3/09 at 05:09 PM

Me... I am just overweight! I don't need a console to tell me that!

omega 24 v6 - 2/3/09 at 05:20 PM


The entire england rugby team were classified as morbidly obese!

and they looked it against the Irish as well on Saturday. Good game and the best team won

Away the Irish

Hector.Brocklebank - 2/3/09 at 06:24 PM

Originally posted by omega 24 v6

The entire england rugby team were classified as morbidly obese!

and they looked it against the Irish as well on Saturday. Good game and the best team won

Away the Irish

Ah you can always Trust a Scot to bring up the defeats of the English