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angle grinder man
stephen_gusterson - 14/2/04 at 09:11 AM

Jon Ison - 14/2/04 at 09:14 AM

where did u get that suit Steve ??

stephen_gusterson - 14/2/04 at 11:57 AM

Dunno about the suit, but I agree with the action plan!



Originally posted by Jon Ison
where did u get that suit Steve ??

JoelP - 14/2/04 at 12:31 PM

one day he'll get set up by a clamper and either nicked or battered....

hes got the right idea but theres no point throwing you life (or time) away to save other people money...

Hellfire - 14/2/04 at 01:49 PM

he is quite obviously crazy. I admire his ba*ls () defying the authorities. However, he will get his cumuppance soon, as JoelP is obviously a wheel clamper! Well, maybe not - but he will cop for it sooner or l8er.

I won't rely on you Joel to P*ss on me if I was on fire then...

JoelP - 14/2/04 at 06:02 PM

just let me know when, i'll wee all over you!! maybe not, but that would be the opposite anyway, wasting time to save a life, which wouldn't be such a waste anyway!

i personally see wheel clamping as a two sided affair - sometimes its a wee take with hidden signs and extortionate fees, but if i had land in use and twats kept on parking on it, i would wheel clamp them myself!! depends on the circumstances i guess. all due respect to the AGM really, i wouldnt bother wasting my time personally.

im not a clamper BTW...

Alan B - 14/2/04 at 06:19 PM

But it's not an angle grinder IMO.....more of an abrasive wheel cut-off saw....

Nit pick I know....otherwise carry on....fine job.....

stephen_gusterson - 15/2/04 at 10:54 AM

abrasive wheel cut off saw man

dont quite have the ring to it does it alan?

like 'two legged two armed arachnid bitten teenager' starrign tobey maguire.

