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Jon Ison - 14/2/04 at 09:24 AM

Well, got home last night, soft lights on, nice music, great food, nice clothes (dont ask) then was hit with the Question, "lets get married" oh, it was'nt the car asking me btw, i'm allready married to that, what to do??? weve lived togethor quite a while now but would tying the knot curtail my garage expiditions,

Any thoughts Guys??? Mrs Bob? Miss Hippy ?

theconrodkid - 14/2/04 at 09:40 AM

Jon,twas one of the better things i did in my life,i got her interested in cars and she even did a season of stock car racing in my car,that sorts out the main problem

Hellfire - 14/2/04 at 10:28 AM

Jon... personally, I wouldn't she's after your car m8! You'll have to fight for 50% of it years down the line...

Go for it m8 - I've never regretted it - so she tells me!

Tell you what - place a picture on here and let us all judge! don't bother with all the clothes and stuff!!!

Scotty - 14/2/04 at 10:42 AM

why is it that the taste of wedding cake changes women soooo much !!
and hellfires right , we'll start a poll for you

Jon Ison - 14/2/04 at 10:44 AM

here.... car friendly as u can see Rescued attachment Donmay.JPG
Rescued attachment Donmay.JPG

Scotty - 14/2/04 at 11:08 AM

so, which one are you going to marry .....


[Edited on 14/2/04 by Scotty]

Dave Ashurst - 14/2/04 at 01:48 PM

Is that you with the mullet? Ooer, I'm not sure she's making the right choice...

Really though I can only recommend it. Getting married was the biggest and best decision I ever made.

If you both already accept each other for what you are then I'd say you're looking at many happy years ahead. If it feels right go for it.

Good luck and congratulations to you both.

and don't blame me,

[Edited on 14/2/04 by Dave Ashurst]

suparuss - 14/2/04 at 02:22 PM

i might be mistaken, but did i see you driving that car through barnsley last sommer?

Metal Hippy - 14/2/04 at 02:50 PM

Don't be such a wimp. Just marry her.

But Miss Hippy can bollox.

Jasper - 14/2/04 at 04:32 PM

Go for it mate, as long as she aint a moaner or nagger. Couldn't have done better with mine, gives me very little car grief.....just make sure you get custody of the car if it goes t*ts up.

BTW - wot you doing for this year??????

And sort out that mullet before you come down south again, or they'll linch you when you get to Watford.

[Edited on 14/2/04 by Jasper]

chrisg - 14/2/04 at 05:18 PM

Jon, have you had a good look at the people you're asking about your future happiness?

I'd snatch her hand off BTW, you're no oil painting.



Alan B - 14/2/04 at 06:14 PM

Marry her I mean....

All the best for the future...

stephen_gusterson - 15/2/04 at 10:59 AM

I was married at 21 and its my 24th year this year.

I wouldnt change anything.

Its not being married that changes things - its having kids that is more of a life changer

only you can make the decision, but if its the one on the left Id check age first! - seriously - you should know what to expect if you have lived with her for yonks - its only a bit of paper and half yer worldly goods after all!



chrisg - 15/2/04 at 11:53 AM

I'm gagging here, trying to keep my breakfast down, you soppy gits.



mrs bob - 15/2/04 at 12:50 PM

As long as she can cook go for it,oh and dye your hair properly

Spyderman - 15/2/04 at 01:25 PM

Don't do it mate!
Your wallet will never be yours again!
Getting married gives em licence to make all the decisions for you.

It's no longer "you can't really afford that", it is "we can't afford that because I've just ordered a new 3 piece suite" and "you can't go into the garage on saturday because WE are going to my mothers".
You don't just marry her, but all her family as well!

Seriously, if she is a good 'un get her under licence!


Jon Ison - 15/2/04 at 05:41 PM

fink i should be ok, she spent an hour with me yesterday perusing bits n bobs at europa, n not one tut...........even let me buy some dzus fastners, having said that would this all stop after the event ??

Metal Hippy - 15/2/04 at 05:50 PM

I can see a false sense of security building up here.

Women are evil like that.

Jon Ison - 15/2/04 at 05:53 PM

do you think so ? the thought had crossed my mind too, i have quized her on this and she assures me not......

Metal Hippy - 15/2/04 at 05:59 PM

You could always get a pre-marriage contract drawn up stating what you're allowed to do and what she's not allowed to interfere in...

Depends how American you want to be. It's normally them that come up with that kind of rubbish...

stephen_gusterson - 15/2/04 at 06:12 PM

pre marriage contracts are not valid in the uk

half the stuff in the real marriage contract dont count / apply / work out in real life anyway!



PS - Is Chris a tad jealous cos marriage isnt for same sex couples yet

TPG - 15/2/04 at 06:25 PM

She tells me I've enjoyed every minute of it.(10yrs plus).I consider myself lucky as she lets me have "garage time" above and beond what I was allowed before we were wed(So she knows where I am I suppose).By the way,your not the first to post pictures of your better half.I use mine for my avtar.......Do it.Be brave.

macspeedy - 15/2/04 at 07:51 PM

go for it you have to settle down at some point

Jon Ison - 15/2/04 at 08:16 PM

so boys, she's passed the europa test, any more ?

bare in mind she looks over my shoulder whilst reading this...........

bob - 15/2/04 at 08:47 PM

Just make sure you have the reception when PTM is on his hols

Nakedness can be a scarey moment,ask tony skeldings inlaws

Mark Allanson - 15/2/04 at 11:31 PM

Ask her if there is anything she would change about you - if she says anything other than 'nothing' take a walk

JoelP - 16/2/04 at 12:06 AM

a marriage without sharp words is a marriage without opinions.

heard that recently, not quite sure how it applies here but this thread seems the best place for it...

pbura - 16/2/04 at 04:00 AM

It's been said that a marriage is a friendship that is recognized by the police (Robert Louis Stevenson).

Again, seems appropriate for the thread, somehow

Metal Hippy - 16/2/04 at 04:10 AM

"F*ck that idea"

{Richard Lloyd, Feb 2004}

ned - 16/2/04 at 10:05 AM

Isn't she a bit early?

I thought they weren't allowed to ask until the 29th feb?


JamJah - 16/2/04 at 10:58 AM

Neds right.
Go on holiday on the 28th, alone. Youll be fine! At the end of the day you oblivously arent to happy at the prospect. Why else ask? Any doubts dont do it. Wedding insaurance is expensive!

Peteff - 16/2/04 at 12:06 PM

Nobody has the right to be happy all their life. (Les Dawson) Just remember to get married early in the morning, that way if it doesn't work out you haven't wasted a whole day. Keep em coming lads.

yours, Pete.
P.S. We've been married 30 years this coming September.

timf - 16/2/04 at 12:20 PM

Originally posted by Peteff
We've been married 30 years this coming September.

christ you don't get that long for murder nowadays !!

seriously if she knows what your like most women know they won't be able to change a man that much. (but get her to change you hair )

Julian B - 16/2/04 at 01:40 PM

quote]Originally posted by Peteff

P.S. We've been married 30 years this coming September.

Wasnt it also Les Dawson who said that " i have been hapilly married for 5 years, I ve married for 30 but only 5 of them were happy"

Go for it what you got to loose? ahem...ahem... sorry something got stuck in my throat ... must have been my tongue!

timf - 16/2/04 at 02:37 PM

Woman's Quote of the Day:

"Men are like fine wine. They all start out like grapes, and it's our job to stomp on them and keep them in the dark until they mature into something with which you'd like to have dinner with."

Men's Counter-Quote of the Day:

"Women are like fine wine. They all start out fresh, fruity and intoxicating to the mind and then turn full-bodied with age until they go all sour and vinegary and give you a headache."

Alan B - 16/2/04 at 03:01 PM

Paraphrasing here...

"A man without a wife, is like a fish without a bicycle"........

Spyderman - 16/2/04 at 06:48 PM

Originally posted by Jon Ison
so boys, she's passed the europa test, any more ?

bare in mind she looks over my shoulder whilst reading this...........

Looks like she already has you under control!

Build her a hobby room/nursury and get her pregnant. That will occupy her for a while. Worked 4 times for me!
Trouble is now I'm the resident baby sitter whilst she goes out!
Win some, loose some!


Jon Ison - 16/2/04 at 07:12 PM

ouch.........current project, office under construction............

like the pop off on holiday till the 28th idea...........

Alan, ive no fish or bikes, am i missing out on life ? got a African Grey though

JoelP - 16/2/04 at 08:52 PM

Originally posted by Spyderman
Win some, loose some!


was that an intentional typo, putting loose rather than lose?

(sorry if thats a bit rude!)

woodster - 17/2/04 at 07:17 PM

........ if its got tits or wheels sooner or later you'll have a problem with it ...................... me and mrs woodster have been happily married for 10 years shes just introduced a new rule ...... NO MORE SHOPPING ON EBAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!