Nothing really
Highcost builder - 12/8/02 at 10:17 PM
Is it true that some users of this web site will post any subject just to build up their postings? if so when do become a builder instead of just
playing at it.
stephen_gusterson - 12/8/02 at 10:19 PM
no, its not true
stephen_gusterson - 12/8/02 at 10:19 PM
no way
stephen_gusterson - 12/8/02 at 10:19 PM
be a bit silly wouldnt it
stephen_gusterson - 12/8/02 at 10:20 PM
so i wont
Highcost builder - 12/8/02 at 10:22 PM
ok just asking
philgregson - 12/8/02 at 11:30 PM
Metal Hippy™ - 12/8/02 at 11:34 PM
Metal Hippy™ - 12/8/02 at 11:35 PM
Metal Hippy™ - 12/8/02 at 11:35 PM
Metal Hippy™ - 12/8/02 at 11:36 PM
philgregson - 13/8/02 at 12:03 AM
I don't know - do you?
Metal Hippy™ - 13/8/02 at 12:11 AM
I know nothing.
Board Index > Locost Related > What use are you?
Highcost builder - 13/8/02 at 09:14 PM
ill take that as a no then
philgregson - 13/8/02 at 09:22 PM
ChrisW - 13/8/02 at 09:35 PM
Is it true that some users of this web site will post any subject just to build up their postings
Dunno about that but it IS true that I can reset people's scores, as Hippy found out a few months back!
Alan B - 13/8/02 at 09:36 PM
This is pathetic
Alan B - 13/8/02 at 09:37 PM
I mean really pathetic
Metal Hippy™ - 13/8/02 at 09:39 PM
I'm being good boss
Highcost builder - 13/8/02 at 09:50 PM
now im really confused is this a yes or no
stephen_gusterson - 14/8/02 at 08:18 AM