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Well, that was fun (Dentist - gruesome content)
zilspeed - 11/2/10 at 09:34 PM

Well, that was an experience.

Just after Christmas, I felt something odd happening inside one of my front teeth. It had root canal work year ago and was capped, so no pain as such, but a feeling of pressure.
I kinda knew what it was.

Went to the dentist who confirmed it was an abcess and that due to the previous work it would have to come out.

Today was the day, 5.30pm appointment. Last one of the day at the practice, the place was empty and they were waiting on me...

Two shots of Novocaine, one to the outside, one to the inside and then the pulling and hauling started.

Let me state right now, that there was no pain at all. Yes, a little discomfort, but I'm an adult, whenever I asked her to slow down or give me some more anaesthetic, it was no problem.

Apparently the tooth was, in her words, "a brute".

I swear, at the end I was shattered, and the dentist wasn't much better.

Anyway, say what you like, but a round of applause for a good NHS dentist.
Appointments to suit me and the job done for £11.

Oh, and here's the culprit. I was surprised to be offered it to take home, but when I saw the fecker, I had to.
I've cut down trees with smaller roots than this.
This bad boy's going under my pillow tonight and we'll see if the tooth fairy will bring me that Pilbeam MP57 I keep asking for

PS the bit on the right is the cap or tooth bit. The huge yellow (yuch) bit on the left is the root !
I'm away for an early night.


[Edited on 11/2/10 by zilspeed]

big_wasa - 11/2/10 at 09:41 PM

Dentist wont touch mine and said its a hospital week

It cost me £110 just for some antibiotics and the referal

blakep82 - 11/2/10 at 09:52 PM


nitram38 - 11/2/10 at 10:00 PM

Had a wisdom out two days ago. First extraction for 33 years and the first without a general.
3 novacaines as one didn't take.
Felt nothing at all.


Spot the difference!!!!

[Edited on 11/2/2010 by nitram38]

big_wasa - 11/2/10 at 10:02 PM

Thats good, mines the wisdom's

Daddylonglegs - 11/2/10 at 10:06 PM

Blimey zilspeed, if that one had been a wisdom tooth, you'd be a flamin' genious!!

ashg - 11/2/10 at 10:27 PM

i had my wisdoms out under a general. they had so much trouble getting them out they had to cut 2inch of gum each side and remove some jaw bone then split each tooth to take the roots out individually. in the process of doing this they damaged the nerve in my lower jaw and i lost the sense in the front of my lower jaw and tip of my tongue.

then to top it all off even doing everything i was told to do, it got infected.

result = 2 weeks off work in pain so bad that no amount of pain killers could stop it even oral morphine at A&E only took the edge off slightly. then a revisit to sort out the nerve.

its been about a year since all this was over and im just getting the feeling back in my tongue and lower jaw.

02GF74 - 11/2/10 at 11:31 PM

Originally posted by ashg
i had my wisdoms out under a general. they had so much trouble getting them

in the process of doing this they damaged the nerve in my lower jaw and i lost the sense in the front of my lower jaw and tip of my tongue.

all my widoms are gone - one was impacted - technical term for lying on its side - so all 3 were done under general a few years ago.

also was told there was rsik of nerve damage but i got away with it.

nasty business.

BenB - 12/2/10 at 08:16 AM

Don't mind dentists, have a serious dislike for hygienists. They spend an hour sticking sharp implements up under your gums and then in a surprised way say

"ooh yes, you definately needed this doing, your gums are all bleeding"

to which the only retort should be

"then stop sticking sharp blades into them you $%£$%£$%$%"

but of course the relief at the end of such mal-treatment is so great that I just smile a bloody smile and walk off (after paying )....

whitestu - 12/2/10 at 09:00 AM

I don't have any wisdom teeth - Not sure what that says about me!


SeaBass - 12/2/10 at 10:28 AM

Go for a real classy look and hang it on a silver chain around your neck. I think you'd get away with that look...


t.j. - 12/2/10 at 12:09 PM

I had an appointment today....
Opened this mail only after the visit... But i'm not scared for the dentist

woodster - 12/2/10 at 01:32 PM

holy mother of god ...... feckin hell thats a hell of a tooth ......... carve the rascal into a chess piece

zilspeed - 14/2/10 at 08:56 PM

Originally posted by SeaBass
Go for a real classy look and hang it on a silver chain around your neck. I think you'd get away with that look...


You can't polish a turd...