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Tuesday's "spot the difference competition?".
02GF74 - 19/10/10 at 03:41 PM

See if you can spot 6 differences between the two photos below.

Peteff - 19/10/10 at 03:45 PM

He's had a shave in the top picture.

Flamez - 19/10/10 at 03:47 PM

The top one doesn't work for peanuts

dan__wright - 19/10/10 at 03:47 PM

bottom one has smaller ears?

CRAIGR - 19/10/10 at 03:53 PM

Ones intelligent,friendly and well liked the others Rooney

jossey - 19/10/10 at 03:54 PM

i cant find one :O(



TimC - 19/10/10 at 03:57 PM

The one on the bottom wants to stay at Old Trafford and not leave because he's running from his private life shame?

Humbug - 19/10/10 at 04:25 PM

Bottom one's got a higher IQ?

carpmart - 19/10/10 at 04:55 PM

Your trying to confuse us now! This is nearly as hard as the Times crossword!

I know, the top photo is a picture of two chimps!

or is the top one a chimp and a chump?

FFTS - 19/10/10 at 05:22 PM

Ermmm the top one wants everyone to lick his arse and the bottom one can do it for himself?

Myke 2463 - 19/10/10 at 05:54 PM

The top one likes to perform for lots of cash.

The bottom one performs for peanuts.

RazMan - 19/10/10 at 06:03 PM

One is quite human-like, but with low intelligence. When given the correct stimulus it can communicate using a series of grunts and gestures ..... the other is a Chimp.

myke pocock - 19/10/10 at 06:48 PM

Only thing I can come up with at the mo is the one at the bottom talks more sense than the two at the top.

whitestu - 19/10/10 at 06:53 PM

I just hope the Chimp doesn't see this post! He'll be well pissed off.

iank - 19/10/10 at 07:11 PM

The bottom one isn't "doing a Gazza"

Hellfire - 19/10/10 at 07:31 PM

The bottom one doesn't have a media agent or people intruding in his personal life?


omega 24 v6 - 19/10/10 at 09:09 PM

There is more chance of Colleen going to bed with the bottom one.

And he probably performs better in all areas on and off the field.

welderman - 20/10/10 at 08:55 AM

Top and bottom have realised there brother looks better ithout the mask

Rooneys missing bro
Rooneys missing bro

Ninehigh - 20/10/10 at 06:46 PM

Originally posted by Hellfire
The bottom one doesn't have a media agent or people intruding in his personal life?


He should have thought about that before going to £2k prozzies and letting the media in...

scootz - 23/10/10 at 12:01 PM

Shamelessly stolen from letters page!

How It All Happened.
Interior, Chief Executive's office, Old Trafford stadium:

Paul Stretford (Wayne Rooneys agent): Look Mr Gill, Wayne has told you how he feels, and we just don't think that Man U can match up to his ambitions.

David Gill (Manchester Utd Chief Exec): Come on! You know Manchester United wants to rule the worl... I mean... err... win every competition we enter. How much more ambition do you want?

Stretford: I don't think you understand! We need some proof you have the same... 'ambition' as Wayne. *winks*

Gill: Oh, I see... You want us to prove our 'ambition'. Well, how about we take this signing fee on the table and add a couple of noughts on the end?

Stretford: Hmm, I suppose it is very hard to quantify ambition - maybe we were wrong about this club. I mean it is easy to say something without thinking it through isn't it!

Gill: I'm glad we have managed to work out this little misunderstanding.

Stretford: Wayne?

Wayne Rooney: Ug?

Stretford: I think it better you sign new contract and stay here Wayne. No go to scary new place.

Rooney: Get bang-bang?

Stretford: Yes, I've already called Slags-R-Us.

Rooney: Bang-Bang! Bang-Bang!