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Noels christmas presents
davrus - 25/12/10 at 06:17 PM

Greeting, may be i shoud have put this in the madhouse section but here goes.

Who watched it last week end?

For those who did the may well be able to answer my question.

Noels went to a lady sitting on the front row who was set up by a friend of hers but thought she had set her friend up, those who watched it would understand what i mean lol.

Now the question is ........ What was the correct name of the room that noel was going to organise her for i beleive disabled people / leaning dificulties?

It showed it on the show with things changing eg wall colour etc

I know it is a mad question but hey it is christmas so i hope i will be forgiven.

Well enjoy whats left of the day and happy new year to you all....

scootz - 25/12/10 at 06:40 PM

Didn't see it, but at a guess... Sensory Room?

davrus - 25/12/10 at 06:50 PM

Thanks for the imput,

We are on the right path here i think.

There was a different name he used for it but i beleive the room was very similar to a sensory room!!