where can i get one? its a brilliant idea!
especially for hanging your phone/satnav (or satnav on your phone?) from airvents in your car, hanging from the sun visor etc, i want one by the
weekend lol
can't even find any photos or anything of something similar
think you may have to go to france for one !
ah, found them called spiderpodium, £13.95 is the cheapest, they're not THAT good... worth about 6 quid at the most
13.95, with free post though...
universal stuff is always a compromise,... I had a true locost solution for a phone holder,....
locost phone holder
total cost,.. one paper clip
This is locostbuilders - get some pipe cleaners!
here's my 'shat nav'. A scribbled map on an old envelope folded and shoved in an air vent
You can get IN-CAR KIT VENT MOUNT HOLDER FOR PHONE GPS SAT NAV | eBay UK on ebay for not a lot with adaptable grips.
Originally posted by Benzine
here's my 'shat nav'. A scribbled map on an old envelope folded and shoved in an air vent
Originally posted by Benzine
here's my 'shat nav'. A scribbled map on an old envelope folded and shoved in an air vent
Ah, The Apprentice!
I'd rather be forcibly sat in front of every episode of BB before having to watch a single episode of that look-at-me crap!
What makes it most embarrassing is that Alan Sugar actually hires one of them at the end!
Originally posted by scootz
Ah, The Apprentice!
I'd rather be forcibly sat in front of every episode of BB before having to watch a single episode of that look-at-me crap!
What makes it most embarrassing is that Alan Sugar actually hires one of them at the end!
Ah, The Apprentice!
I'd rather be forcibly sat in front of every episode of BB before having to watch a single episode of that look-at-me crap!
What makes it most embarrassing is that Alan Sugar actually hires one of them at the end!
Originally posted by scootz
Ah, The Apprentice!
What makes it most embarrassing is that Alan Sugar actually hires one of them at the end!