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August web update
Roland - 9/9/02 at 08:53 PM

Greetings peeps,

just letting you know that the website has been updated. If you would care to mosey on over you will see a lovely pic of Marcus's leg.

Just click on the hose thingy, down at the bottom. Go on, you know you want to.

locodude - 9/9/02 at 09:16 PM

Web update? One lousy pic of a gammy leg and the story of the hospital visit, come on you can do better than that I know. What about all the meetings and the trips out you've both been to. Like the drive over the cat and fiddle, the trip to cadwell and all the J29 and Yorkshire group meetings that you regularly go to? We do miss you, you know! Now you are coming to donnington are'nt you, come on you know you want to. BBQ and beer! Come on, Friday night to Sunday away from the trouble and strife with the lads. What could be better?
Chris PTM

bob - 9/9/02 at 09:25 PM

Yeah go on lads

youll miss us,you know you will

you can even cook if you like

Marcus - 10/9/02 at 06:35 PM

I'm hoping to get to Donnington, but it looks like just one day (bloody lightweight i hear you say). I think Roland's working though (and it's his wifes birthday on Sat.)
What you think, Sat or Sun?
PS leg healed up nicely, as for car, Fibreglass back panel now fitted, had to get big hammer to chassis as panel is for Indy! Got to sort wiring out next, home made loom, should be interesting.

See you soon.


locodude - 10/9/02 at 06:47 PM

Got to be Sunday! Cars on track. Might even take the TD out again!
Chris PTM

Roland - 10/9/02 at 09:30 PM

Dear PTM,

I do really want to come to more Ackworth/J29 meetings ( I built the bloody thing to be driven) and I would like nothing better than to spend the weekend at Donnington eating lots of meat and drinking huge quantities of beer with you and the rest of the guys. Unfortunatly I don't have a job that stops at the weekend or at six pm

It is wifeys birthday on Sat, and as she, (like Mrs Bob did for Bob) bought me a set of shocks for my birthday I think I need to keep her sweet.

As for the gammy leg. It's not just any gammy leg, it's Marcus's gammy leg and he's very attatched to it!

Sorry I won't see you all at Donnington, looks like Marcus will be there,so you will all be able to admire his gammy leg.

Missing you all


locodude - 11/9/02 at 05:29 PM

Never mind Marcus' gammy leg, if anyone's trousers are coming down for inspection purposes it's got to be good old PTM! I have a reputation to keep up you know!
Chris PTM
p.s. trade the job for a real one, and the missus if needs be!

scutter - 11/9/02 at 10:45 PM

Oh S**T, and there's me hoping to keep me dinner down!!!