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The identity of "Stigg" Top Gear
John Davis - 20/8/04 at 09:49 PM

Someone must know who Stigg is out there. If so let the cat out the bag.
Also did anyone see the top gear show when Jeremy was talking about safety of cars and someone in the audience said he had a Westfield and Jez slagged him off about mentioning it when they are talking about safety. Me's think Jez is a bit of a strap anyway.

JoelP - 20/8/04 at 09:54 PM

recent thread, apparently Stigg revealed himself in his autobiography. Cant remember the name though. John somebody maybe?

I love speed :-P - 20/8/04 at 10:05 PM

his name was perry McCarthy, good book, 2, and then cus ppl new who he was they killed him, off, however rumors, say he still is the stig

mangogrooveworkshop - 20/8/04 at 11:43 PM

Perry McCarthy
The Stig (from BBC2's Top Gear) and Former Formula 1 Driver

At the age of 42, Perry McCarthy is one of Britain's top racing drivers and is already part of motor racing folklore. He is known to millions of motoring enthusisasts as 'The Stig', the mysterious racing driver who races some of the world's most powerful cars for the BBC's flagship motoring show, Top Gear.

McCarthy's rise through the ranks along with close friends Damon Hill, Johnny Herbert and Mark Blundell, has been against all odds and in a sport dominated by finance he recalls how he 'started with nothing and then lost it all!'

Perry's 10-year fight to reach the sport's elite paid off in 1992 when he was chosen to drive for the fledgling Andrea Moda Formula One organisation. The dream however turned into a nightmare as the team stumbled from one disaster to the next and in recent years he has turned his attention away from Grand Prix to Le Mans and the demands of Sports Prototype racing.

Top gear is like F1........... well past its sell buy date!

nicklondon - 21/8/04 at 06:13 AM

very good book

andyps - 21/8/04 at 08:48 AM

Perry McCarthys is a really good book, probably even if you aren't into F1.

Guinness - 22/8/04 at 06:20 AM

Really good book and a good bloke, can't believe some of the stunts he's pulled to keep his dream alive.

Stuart Ainslie - 22/8/04 at 06:36 AM

There is someone on eBay selling loads of copies of his book - only £1.50

skinny - 24/8/04 at 02:04 PM

off the subject a little, i watch top gear but sometimes it really me off.

Firstly, why, when it wasn't particlularly funny the first time, do they insist on telling us that the stig is playing music when he does his laps. At least twice they have said how certain cars have been so much lightened you don't get a radio / cd etc. like with the stupid-expensive carbon roofed 3-series and the ferrari 360 cs - and then they have music playing 'in the car'! i would rather hear the car.

also, why should i listen to someone who wears a denim shirt tucked into his oh so tight demin jeans and a caucasian afro telling me what's cool and what's not. by his own admission, any car that he has is immediately uncool. surely, by the same logic, any car that he thinks is cool is uncool and vice-versa. another thing is that he (sorry, he = jezza) doesn't care about speed / power / handling / looks when deciding whats cool, it's if you turned up at a some famous womans house would she be impressed (and the answer is proably no if it has jezza inside it). yet he was saying about this small europe car being cool - why? because it was roomy and easy to park.

wonder how fast something like a caterham (dirty word it seems but i like 'em, that's why i am building (occasionally) a locost!) etc would go round that track.

ok, feeling better, rant over

marktigere1 - 24/8/04 at 03:21 PM

Interesting that Top Gear have not driven any of the new Caterfields on the show but have driven loads of Italian exotica (or is that erotica?)

Mind you, cannot argue about the Aston being beyond sub zero. Liked the phrase "Shall we walk or take the Aston?"

Mind you, I'm looking forward to the phrase "shall we take the seven dear? (and leave the kids at home?)

Hope Mrs Tigere1 doesn't read this thread



spunky - 25/8/04 at 08:48 AM

I think it was the first series of the new format Top Gear when they challenged anyone with an 'interesting' car to beat the lap time, and Westfield arrived with the XTR2...and beat it.
Mr Clarkson was very unhappy because
(a) it was only 1300cc
(b) it only had four cylinders
(c) it was a bike engine
(d) most annoyingly-"you built it in your shed"

I must defend him though. He retains a hint of patriotism in his presenting style. something which is very rare on British television now, indeed it is positively discouraged.


marktigere1 - 25/8/04 at 08:54 AM

Have to agree with Spunky.

The item he did about the new Rolls Royce when he drove over the humber bridge brought a lump to the throat

Pains me though it does, Top Gear is still my favourite program on TV.



skinny - 25/8/04 at 10:14 AM

maybe... to me more often than not he just comes across as being opinionated for the sake of having an opinion. and i don't like the little guys hair. still watch it tho... somewhat better than pulling power on itv!


Mind you, I'm looking forward to the phrase "shall we take the seven dear? (and leave the kids at home?)

Hope Mrs Tigere1 doesn't read this thread

Would Mrs Tigere1 not be flattered by the offer? Do funny things happen & stuff starts changing after you get married? (getting worried... )

marktigere1 - 25/8/04 at 10:25 AM

Hi Skinny

It was more the reference to leaving the kids behind that Mrs Tigere1 might find a bit off

Mind you, she wont let me do more than 55 when in any car I'm driving

Might start a new thread on this.



skinny - 25/8/04 at 11:00 AM

thats what i meant mark, surely Mrs Tigere1 would like to leave the kids behind for the odd night? ... i'm hoping anyway

Kelvin - 25/8/04 at 11:32 AM

Back on topic, Perry was Stig 1, but 'New Stig' (the white suited one) is a gentlemen called Ben Collins. He was the guy driving the Merc that some nutter was trying to parachute into.


marktigere1 - 25/8/04 at 12:01 PM

Hi Skinny

Yer, don't worry, she does leave them behind occasionally

As for Stig 2, when that parachutist hooked one leg over the side of the Merc, I thought we were in for a messy episode

Takes b@lls to do that IMHO

