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Website Mugshots (Stafford2002)
locodude - 11/3/02 at 11:20 PM

Hi All
Check out shows and meets section for Stafford mugshots (scroll down to bottom of page)
Chris (yorkshire pudding)

Metal Hippy™ - 11/3/02 at 11:26 PM

For those that can't be arsed cutting and pasting...

Metal Hippy™ - 12/3/02 at 12:06 AM

Are Bob and Dazza West London's answer to Mark and Lard?

They look like they could be.....

chrisg - 12/3/02 at 06:29 PM


There's a piccy of me, It seems to be true that the camera adds 100lbs!

I'm stealing the pictures BTW don't bother complaining as I couldn't give a sh*t.

Thanks for the lift, maybe we could go in mine sometime (2010).



theconrodkid - 12/3/02 at 06:35 PM

OY Chris when you learn to take pics you got my wrong side and without makeup my hair is a mess and my jeans look like they havnt been washed in years

locodude - 12/3/02 at 07:43 PM

I thought it was your best side,with makeup and wasn't that a wig. you are right about the jeans though.
Chris (a man endowed with sartorial elegance!)

Dazza - 13/3/02 at 11:06 AM

trust you to get a pic of me getting a beer!!!!!!!!

macdave69 - 13/3/02 at 01:04 PM

feck me get me a camera like that one, it's the first time i've looked handsome in years
Chris you are indeed a talented man

bob - 13/3/02 at 02:01 PM

Thats a pic of you distributing,not getting.
I,m the one with my wallet out AGAIN!!

Metal Hippy™ - 13/3/02 at 04:01 PM

Poor Dazza.

Slurring his character again.

I'm sure he was paying for the drinks and letting you sup for free.

Ok, so I believe Bob really.

After all Dazza is, by all reports, a geezer.

Dazza - 13/3/02 at 04:27 PM

and the £35 fuel bill was paid by?????


so no more comments on my tightness....

Metal Hippy™ - 13/3/02 at 04:29 PM

Oh Bob, you nasty fellow.

You didn't reveal that Mr Dazza had paid fuel costs.

Tut tut.

bob - 13/3/02 at 06:42 PM

What gratitude.

I fed him,put his tent up for him(in a force 10 gale)fed him again,and again.

No fairs fair i'll pay for the petrol to stoneleigh and he can bring the food,pitch tent,cook and all that

macdave69 - 13/3/02 at 06:50 PM

are you sure you want to leave everything to Dazza???
if you give him the tent, it'll go straight up for sale on the board and i reckon he could get a fiver for your southern shandy and chipolata's

Dazza - 13/3/02 at 06:52 PM

we were even on the most part for food, beer fuel etc, i am not as tight as my sis, but bob might becoming so as her influence is overwelming him.......

i did buy you a beer you git!!!

Dazza - 13/3/02 at 06:53 PM

it is my tent, i just aint payed him for it yet!!!!!!lol........

bob - 13/3/02 at 10:12 PM

GOOD POINT,she has mentioned that!!
Your sister never forgets money,as you noticed i never mentioned the outstanding amount all weekend

Dazza - 14/3/02 at 12:23 AM

well, it will be forthcoming as soon as i sell one of the 6 cars i have for sale!!!!!!

so try selling one for me!!!!!!!!!!!