I want, for non-commercial reasons, a stylised line-drawing of my car - something between the logo of this very site and what Eddie at
https://www.elitemotorsport.co.uk has but without text. I’ve had a quick look online and can see that I can pay £129+ for a pro but wondered if there
was a cheaper/ better way.
Any ideas or better-still experience?
Do you have access to AutoCAD? Or Photoshop (or GIMP, as a free alternative)?
You could do it yourself, fairly easily, with either.
agree with fiverr, ive used them for similar stuff in the past. took a couple of goes with one, but if you can sketch it out on paper and send that across it should be ok.
I have illustrator and cutter so can help if neede. I’m doing my own vinyls for my car, theres’s pictures in my photo’s.