Hi Guys,
Got a long awaited trip to Canada coming up shortly, couple of days in USA (Seattle) en route, just under 3 weeks in total
We're gonna need SIM cards with data & phone, I have an unlocked phone with 2 SIM slots, so I believe that side of things should be fine, but
a quick Google search seems to throw up loads of different options, some just data, some just phone, & some combined, but all very confusing!
We want to get the card(s) b4 we leave as don't want to be faffing in a mobile phone shop when we should be on hols!
Just wondered if anyone had done something similar recently & had any recommendations for a suitable card?
Thanks for any help in advance
strangely I have been looking at this very recently, as my nephew will be studying in the USA for a year.
as far as I can tell, three payg allows for US roaming for short periods (c-1month)
yes all sorts of caveats, like reduced speed after ~14Gb regardless of if you are on unlimited here. and you must have used the sim here before you
I think for my nephew its a bit more complex because he is going for longer, so considering voip options. and a local sim.
but since you have a second card slot, I think its worth also getting a local CAN sim for data, and local calls. (and maybe even a US one too.)
I believe with three unless you had the contract running prior to Oct last year they'll charge you £2 per day to use your allowance as per UK
with the 12Gb(?) Cap gremlin mentioned.
Lebara off top of my head may only be good for Europe.
One of the networks is still offering decent roaming to new customers (EE?)
If your handset is new enough then look into eSIMs, don't need the physical SIM and can be setup before you travel iirc.
Originally posted by hobbsy
I believe with three unless you had the contract running prior to Oct last year they'll charge you £2 per day to use your allowance as per UK with the 12Gb(?) Cap gremlin mentioned.
Lebara off top of my head may only be good for Europe.
One of the networks is still offering decent roaming to new customers (EE?)
If your handset is new enough then look into eSIMs, don't need the physical SIM and can be setup before you travel iirc.
Eurg link. But you get the idea.
Just Google model name with esim after it
Originally posted by hobbsy
https://www.google.com/search?q=Xiaomi+note+10+esim&client=ms-android-samsung-gn-rev1&sxsrf=ALiCzsbRVxDPcQOd9hXUnhwXBoNJH5d9pw%3A1660117526584 &ei=FmLzYoChI52ShbIPlfe-yAM&oq=Xiaomi+note+10+esim&gs_lcp=ChNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwEAMyBQgAEIAEMgYIABAeEBYyBggAEB4QFjIICAAQHhAWEAoyBggA EB4QFjIGCAAQHhAWMgYIABAeEBYyBggAEB4QFkoECEEYAFB3WNoBYP8IaABwAXgBgAHVAYgByAWSAQUwLjIuMpgBAKABAcABAQ&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp
Eurg link. But you get the idea.
Just Google model name with esim after it
Yeah the fact you've got a dual SIM handset makes it less necessary for you.
Can usually grab local SIMs at the airport arrivals from kiosks or vending machines
Or just a local mobile store (did this in Spain recently, 10euros for a month and 15GB, worked a lot quicker than my UK SIM roaming, poss just because
it was a different network). Idea was if the shutters come down more on UK EU roaming this would cover me and can just load it up via their website to
reactivate when needed etc.
Originally posted by hobbsy
Yeah the fact you've got a dual SIM handset makes it less necessary for you.
Can usually grab local SIMs at the airport arrivals from kiosks or vending machines
Or just a local mobile store (did this in Spain recently, 10euros for a month and 15GB, worked a lot quicker than my UK SIM roaming, poss just because it was a different network). Idea was if the shutters come down more on UK EU roaming this would cover me and can just load it up via their website to reactivate when needed etc.
quote:three payg seem to be much more attractive for roaming than the 'contract' offers. note that £2 per day is europe, its £5 for usa! - but their website is too confusing.
I believe with three unless you had the contract running prior to Oct last year they'll charge you £2 per day to use your allowance as per UK with the 12Gb(?) Cap gremlin mentioned.