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Car Dimensions
JohnFol - 18/11/02 at 08:51 AM

Does anyone have the overall outer dimensions of their car?

locodude - 18/11/02 at 06:38 PM

1580mm rear arch to rear arch and 3100mm front to back (not incl. spare wheel) give or take a mm.

[Edited on 18/11/02 by locodude]

Metal Hippy™ - 18/11/02 at 08:38 PM

Funkin' heck, has Chris finally seen the light in the long hair stakes?

locodude - 18/11/02 at 10:20 PM

Mr Hippy
For your information I was a long haired greasy hippy before you were one of your dad's swimmers. This was a disguise for the 70's weekend at Skeggy!

JohnFol - 19/11/02 at 09:03 AM

Cheers for the dimensions. .. .

chrisg - 19/11/02 at 09:32 PM

The (very) poor man's Ozzy Osbourne!!!



Metal Hippy™ - 19/11/02 at 09:59 PM

Kind of scary, from that small pic he does look a bit like him.

From what I remember he drinks a lot and talks crap too....

locodude - 20/11/02 at 07:17 PM

I'll take that as a compliment!
From both of you!

[Edited on 20/11/02 by locodude]

Dick Axtell - 20/11/02 at 07:50 PM

Reaction 1: Oooooooh!! Who is that delectable brunette?? What's her phone no., vital stats, financial status etc.??

Reaction 2: (After reading other posts) - Oh Sh*t!! ITPTMA!!