Theres a blackbird powered kart around aswell!
That must be loud in the drivers seat. I bet he can only just see over the engine to look right.
Here's the sports bike engined kart, with a few other fun videos, they've been on this forum before I seem to recall...
Check this one too - Used to be on the Nurburgring webbo
Gixxer Kart
Grassers as usual, meant to post something here a while back but forgot about these pics!
First is a twin bike engined Fiat Seicento grasser, 2 x 220hp+ = eeeek!!
Second I think could be called "synchronised grassin!"
proper sideways
This one amazed me
This bloke in a BMW racer not only out-accelerates just about everyone, but he out-brakes them by a huge amount as well!
Apparently, the evil screaming noise is the sequential gearbox with straight-cut gears (turn the volume down before playing! )
I think he must have been a front-row driver who got put at the back for some reason.
[Edited on 20/5/05 by David Jenkins]
Any links to footage of grasser racing NS Dev? I was amazed the first time I saw the class 8s & 9s, I suppose having a sodding great chevvy V8 or
a couple of bike engines in what is essentially a kart chassis with a roll cage would tend to make them shift a bit