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Cat crap
Donners90 - 14/6/05 at 07:07 AM

It was bad enough having to spend all weekend doing the garden (and not the car), but last night I went out to survey my landscaping marvel to find that one of the local cats had left me an unwelcome present in my new gravel path!! It's not the first time they have been in my garden to do their business, but it irritates me even more now that I've gone to all this trouble to make it look nice.

Could anyone reccommend any products, or does anyone have any tricks, to keep cats (and other vermin ) from crapping on your land? I do like cats but this is the sort of thing that would turn me against them!!!

Any ideas welcome



flak monkey - 14/6/05 at 07:14 AM

Best one is to stick some orange peel (believe it or not) around the edges of your garden. Cats wont come around too

JoelP - 14/6/05 at 07:31 AM

a shotgun

Hellfire - 14/6/05 at 07:33 AM

I have a Weihrauch 97 Carbine that usually stop's 'em.

Failing that a Super Soaker has had some pretty lasting results. They remember it too. Trouble is you have to catch 'em Red Arsed!

David Jenkins - 14/6/05 at 07:34 AM

A Jack Russell terrier is good...


NS Dev - 14/6/05 at 07:38 AM

Originally posted by Hellfire
I have a Weihrauch 97 Carbine that usually stop's 'em.

Failing that a Super Soaker has had some pretty lasting results. They remember it too. Trouble is you have to catch 'em Red Arsed!

apparently a super soaker with JIF lemon solution in it fired at their rears during or just after the act has taken place gives them a lasting memory of where not to 5h1t!!

David Jenkins - 14/6/05 at 07:56 AM

Apparently the red dot from a laser pointer in their general vicinity freaks them out as well.

Apart from these off-the-wall solutions, you can get cat repellent powder from most garden centres - just sprinkle it around every so often.


colibriman - 14/6/05 at 08:26 AM

apparently lion dung des the trick.....go to a zoo near you...

Then again...that might keep everything and everybody outta your garden... at least it willl stay in nice condition......

David Jenkins - 14/6/05 at 08:27 AM

Originally posted by colibriman
apparently lion dung des the trick.....go to a zoo near you...

Lots of zoos sell it as "zoo poo".

colibriman - 14/6/05 at 08:32 AM

I have heard Garden centres sell it too... allegedly...don't come back to me and say you were laughed out of the weedkiller aisle because of me...

zilspeed - 14/6/05 at 08:43 AM

Any kind of Citrus juice or skin will do the trick.

You won't need to do anything else.

tks - 14/6/05 at 11:06 AM

i will go for the dog option..

every dogg will do the trick..if it has an bit of seize offcourse...

i would take an Syberian Husky..

there are very nice..but can be angry to!

atleast they inspect your garden for every animal..

altough for strange people they might be to good..


p.s. else take the shotgun or

Put an 10/15cm plastic pipe 1meter long with an 70degress angle in the ground..with a piece of fress smelling fish on the bottomend..
wenn mrs/mr cat goes in

it cant go out.. then you can do with it what you want..

proberly fill the tube with water.. or shoker time or what ever else..


and don't tell it to cat lovers/owners (they won't like your idea...

[Edited on 14/6/05 by tks]

Donners90 - 14/6/05 at 11:34 AM

Thanks for the ideas.

I think I'll try the citrus option first. If that doesn't work then I'll look into other deterants I assume you just position pieces of fruit skin around the garden at regular intervals?

Is it the smell that keeps them away? If so would citronella oil, or candles, do the job? Anyone tried this approach? It's gotta look better than having fruit peelings in the garden!!

Anyway, thanks for the help


David Jenkins - 14/6/05 at 12:03 PM

Originally posted by Donners90
It's gotta look better than having fruit peelings in the garden!!

Tuck them under shrubs, etc. They'll turn to compost eventually...


NS Dev - 14/6/05 at 12:04 PM

like your thinking there donners! That citrus lamp oil that B&Q sell is cheap!

scotty g - 14/6/05 at 01:23 PM

An air rifle tends to stop them on a slightly too permanent basis, a dog is very good at stopping cats crapping on your garden but they tend to leave bigger turds than the cat so whats the point. I have heard that citrus fruits works but its not as much fun as my favorite which is a BB gun, powerfull enough to shock them but it won't do any damage but you do look a bit of a prat creeping around your garden like a sniper in a war movie! Makes you look all Rambo!!

zilspeed - 14/6/05 at 02:38 PM

I'm having serious difficulty dealing with this thread now.

People - there are lots of non aggresive ways of getting rid of an unwanted cat in your garden. They hate citrus smells, shred up some peel and scatter it around. If you must take it a stage further, use a water pistol. They really really dislike that and definitely won't come back.

You don't need to start shooting them to get rid of them.

John F

flak monkey - 14/6/05 at 02:41 PM

Originally posted by zilspeed
I'm having serious difficulty dealing with this thread now.

People - there are lots of non aggresive ways of getting rid of an unwanted cat in your garden. They hate citrus smells, shred up some peel and scatter it around. If you must take it a stage further, use a water pistol. They really really dislike that and definitely won't come back.

You don't need to start shooting them to get rid of them.

John F

Too right!! Its illegal to shoot at them anyway, whatever its with (not including water pistols of course).

Cats hate citrus smells, you only need the peel of a couple of oranges (or whatever) and it will keep them away for a couple of weeks, then put some more out... Rip it up into smallish peices and scatter it around your boarders.


Cita - 14/6/05 at 04:18 PM

Originally posted by tks

Put an 10/15cm plastic pipe 1meter long with an 70degress angle in the ground..with a piece of fress smelling fish on the bottomend..
wenn mrs/mr cat goes in

it cant go out.. then you can do with it what you want..

proberly fill the tube with water.. or shoker time or what ever else..

You are sick!
Probably due to watching to many bull"fights"

[Edited on 14/6/05 by Cita]

tks - 14/6/05 at 05:00 PM

you are proberly an cat owner/lower..

Well we had birds..many and we don't like cats..also the owners have faults
because they let the beast hanging arround in others people gardens..

i personally wouldn't harm any cat....
because i'm not that way...

but it was just an suggestion you can do with it.

You can also put in an bag and deliver it (alive) to the owner or let it free after an couple of bad moments..

sow it was just an suggestion..


DorsetStrider - 14/6/05 at 06:03 PM

I used to have this problem too. I solved it when I bought from a chance meeting with a forgeign guy in the pub a trunk load of claymore mines....... before you know it no more cat shit..... no more cats either which was a bonus!

My ex also got a fir coat out of it!

Donners90 - 14/6/05 at 06:18 PM

Well some imaginative ideas there Like I said I do actually like cats so the more humane the idea the better

I went and bought some oranges today so I'll eat my way through them this week, and put the peel out later. In the mean time I bought 50 citronella nightlights from tesco (£1.69) so have put a handful out around the garden. Will report back in a few days with an answer



Danozeman - 14/6/05 at 06:25 PM

Wont that look strange donners? Loads of tea lights burning in your garden for nothing?

I have this problem too. I had a cat that always shat on the end of me drive way. I solved that problem (not saying how but my foot was involved.) It lasted a year till i made me flower bed under me front window nice now the poo head does it in that!! I know its the same cat getting revenge its just catching it in action!,. Plus it lives the other side of the road so they can see what i do to it..

Ps i have 2 cats of my own i thought this would have deterred it..

omega 24 v6 - 14/6/05 at 06:49 PM

Ok I hate cats and their shit. Ihave to clean upafter my dog so why don''t cat lovers/owners do the same.
If you disolve 2 paracetomol in a saucer of milk i beleive it does a proper job and not on your doorstep either. It may seem a bit cruel to some of you but try cleeaning a kids hands after a cats been in the sand pit and see if your sympathetic then.
I heard a story about a gardener who once caught one in a lobster creel and kept it there for a week and every time he went by it he poured a bucket of water over it. He says it worked a treat and never saw it again.

tks - 14/6/05 at 07:34 PM

its far away from the thread..

but cats are not util, until you don't live at an farm..where cats could be do what they like, hunt for mouses and rats..etc..

but in an village?? an dog can be usefull to protect you/ your house/your children..

at least you can control a dog in such way that it can life with you and your family..

but try it with a cat?? try telling an cat where to chit, where to pie, where to walk.. where not to walk..and that it doesn't get out of your space(garden/ what ever).

its just an bit of an mess unless you have the room etc. on an farm.. etc..

and i bet that they don't life in the house then either...



DavidM - 14/6/05 at 08:22 PM

Find out where the cat lives. Crap in their garden on a regular basis. Leave them a note to tell them why.

Won't stop the problem, but revenge is sweet.


andkilde - 15/6/05 at 03:46 AM

Hey all...

No need to get knickers in a twist over this -- I'm a reluctant cat owner myself and I took the shooting and drowning comments as the jokes they were meant to be .

That being said -- cats should be kept indoors, whether a cat comes to an unhappy end at the hands of an homicidal gardener or under the wheels of a bus the owner need only find a mirror to figure out who could have prevented the death.

Cheers, Ted

NS Dev - 15/6/05 at 07:47 AM

Originally posted by omega 24 v6
Ok I hate cats and their shit. Ihave to clean upafter my dog so why don''t cat lovers/owners do the same.
If you disolve 2 paracetomol in a saucer of milk i beleive it does a proper job and not on your doorstep either. It may seem a bit cruel to some of you but try cleeaning a kids hands after a cats been in the sand pit and see if your sympathetic then.
I heard a story about a gardener who once caught one in a lobster creel and kept it there for a week and every time he went by it he poured a bucket of water over it. He says it worked a treat and never saw it again.


and what you believe is quite correct!!

Fred W B - 15/6/05 at 08:49 AM


If you disolve 2 paracetomol in a saucer of milk i beleive it does a proper job and not on your doorstep either.


Are you saying this will kill a cat? - I'm not impressed with this thread either.

Who was it said that you must judge a man by how he treats animals?

Fred WB

ChrisGamlin - 15/6/05 at 09:08 AM

Ditto, FFS people however much you hate animals, even if you don't ever intend on taking action with the cruel methods you describe, this is a public forum and some f*cked up idiot could easily read it and take action.
Never mind having to wipe poo off kids hands, try consoling a child who's cat has just come in and died on the kitchen floor in agony because some heartless twat has poisoned / shot it

[Edited on 15/6/05 by ChrisGamlin]

NS Dev - 15/6/05 at 11:28 AM

I quite agree, and was not advocating harm to animals.

However, equally, cat (and for that matter, dog) owners should take responsibility for "their" animals, as a number of extremely nasty parasites are spread by these animals excreta.

"never mind wiping the poo off your childs hands", well if my child went blind because of a parasite ingested from a "pet" cat then I would consider myself quite within my rights to exterminate the "vermin" that had caused the problem.

In an arse about face kind of way, we are very hippocritical, on the one hand considering it within out duty to call the council to come out and lay rat poison to kill rats, but on the other hand considering doing the same to a pest cat horrific.

However, I am still not advocating harm to animals.

ChrisGamlin - 15/6/05 at 11:49 AM

Yep fair play I know it does have nasty parasites in it and it is a potentially serious incident if kids do get it on their hands, but I was just trying to put across really that there's always two sides to each story and that there are perfectly reasonable ways of keeping the cats at bay without resorting to trying to kill them.

As you might have guessed, me and my missus have a couple of cats but I do appreciate that some people don't like them or have problems with them. As it is, they hardly leave the garden and we provide plenty of freshly dug soil around the garden where they seem to habitually do their business in, but If I thought they were causing problems for our neighbours, Id be perfectly happy for them to be drenched by a Super Soaker, Id even lend the neighbour mine if it helped, or offer to buy them some repellent.

Volvorsport - 15/6/05 at 12:01 PM

one of my friends at school used to catch them with a cage which he propped up with a brick , then tied some rope , put some cat food under , and watched from the kitchen , once said cat was caught , a bucket of ice cold water did the trick , you dont really see them again .

i used to have a cat , so i wouldnt deliberately harm one , but , if its crapping in front of your door alley way , sometimes you have to do something .

another trick was curry powder , they dont like that either , never heard of the citrus one tho .

If you think thats bad , in rhodes where my old man is now starting to live - a woman round corner hangs fish heads out laced with arsenic !!

Usually tho , the cat problem gets wiped out in summer due to the tourists running em over , watched a nice fluffy kitten do a few somersaults , wasnt pleasant

andkilde - 15/6/05 at 12:07 PM

Originally posted by Fred W B

Are you saying this will kill a cat? - I'm not impressed with this thread either.

Who was it said that you must judge a man by how he treats animals?

Fred WB

I'll repeat this as it appears no-one noticed...

Pet cats belong indoors, full stop.

Indoors they can't crap in the neighbour's garden, kill countless birds for "sport" or get themselves squashed by cars. In addition they're less likely to pick up fleas or disease and studies have shown that kept indoors exclusively they live an average of twice as long -- good for everyone, ask your vet FFS.

I'm not advocating poisoning, shooting, stabbing or otherwise maiming animals, BUT if they're inside where they BELONG the world could be filled with poisoned saucers of milk, drowning traps and knife wielding gardeners and the RESPONSIBLE PET OWNERS' animals would be fine.

Erm, was there a car building discussion board somewhere nearby? I seem to have misplaced it .

Cheers, Ted

NS Dev - 15/6/05 at 12:13 PM

At this point I will come in and say that I do have a cat crap problem in my garden!!

I certainly will NOT be maiming or killing them!!

I will try the citronella oil approach though.

I have used the various powders which are fine in summer but when it rains they wash away, so not too handy given our weather!

Donners90 - 15/6/05 at 04:09 PM

Originally posted by Danozeman
Wont that look strange donners? Loads of tea lights burning in your garden for nothing?

I wasn't intending to light them. The back on my place gets the sun from about 10am through until 7pm (when it's sunny), so I was hoping the wax would warm up and give off the scent! Put them out last night and so far they've worked I'll give it a few days before I claim total success, but as you can see from the pic they don't look too out of place. (thought I'd put a few down just in case )

Thanks for your ideas (especially the ones that don't involve harming the creatures ), and I'll let you know if this works


James Rescued attachment DSCN2117.JPG
Rescued attachment DSCN2117.JPG

MikeR - 15/6/05 at 08:19 PM

folks as a serious point, the paracetamol is a very nasty way to get rid of the "problem". Honestly its not worth it and also ilegal.

Try the other ways .........

Nat, if you need someone to come round with a water pistol just say the word

omega 24 v6 - 16/6/05 at 11:45 AM

Sorry if anyone was upset about the sugestion but i was only answering the post. I have never harmed a cat or any other household animal and would advise anyone to find a REASONABLE way of dealing with this problem. On the citrus front our dog was continually scratching one of our doors and we tried this stuff. It did stop him scratching but only because he started eating the door instead. He took out the three glass panels at the bottom in only 15 minutes
Here's something a bit more lighthearted on the cat front.

Bathing the Cat

1. Put both lids of the toilet up and add 1/8 cup of pet shampoo to the water in the bowl.

2. Pick up the cat and soothe him while you carry him towards the bathroom.

3. In one smooth movement, put the cat in the toilet and close both lids. You may need to stand on the lid.

4. The cat will self agitate and make ample suds. Never mind the noises that come from the toilet, the cat is actually enjoying this.

5. Flush the toilet three or four times. This provides a "power-wash" and rinse".

6. Have someone open the front door of your home. Be sure that there are no people between the bathroom and the front door.

7. Stand behind the toilet as far as you can, and quickly lift both lids.

8. The cat will rocket out of the toilet, streak through the bathroom, and run outside where he will dry himself off.

9. Both the commode and the cat will be sparkling clean.

The Dog

David Jenkins - 16/6/05 at 11:53 AM


Your garden looks very "Zen buddhist"

Omega...'re just fanning the flames now!


[Edited on 16/6/05 by David Jenkins]

ned - 16/6/05 at 11:53 AM

the way myself and a friend stopped cats doing stuff in our gardens was to remove the gravel and woodchippings we both had, end of problem!


Donners90 - 16/6/05 at 07:15 PM

Originally posted by David Jenkins

Your garden looks very "Zen buddhist"

[Edited on 16/6/05 by David Jenkins]

In fact just out of sight is a little fat bloke hovering cross legged about 6inches of the deck Maybe that's what's keeping the cats off

Benzine - 16/6/05 at 07:44 PM

Originally posted by David Jenkins
A Jack Russell terrier is good...


My cat has chased off 2 Jack Russells in the past and a couple of bigger dogs, she has a perfect record so far.

And she buries all her s**t herself