it missed him.....
Rescued attachment lucky.jpg
Jesus thats 1 lucky Bas**rd!
Might Email that to my work
who have nothing seperating the backs of our vans from the load in the back,
onli some piddely hoop behind the driver which is no comfort when ur mostly the passenger
I think he'll tighten them straps/chains a little tighter next time tho, doesn't look like the kinda think u'd forget in a hurry.
Last thing that comes through you mind, an RSJ
[Edited on 18/7/05 by MkIndy7]
Similar thing happened to one of the brother in law's employees with a Tranny pickup, braked sharp and got a 3'x2' slab through the
back window. Luckily no passengers in with him. I fitted his new window and offered to fit some bars to stop it but he said they won't load it so
high next time . Yeah right!
this hapend just down the road from me(shepton mallet somerset)
what a lucky lucky man/woman?
Legally if you're carrying something like steel you have to have a steel back plate at the end of teh trailer before the cab. The idea is it will
stop this thing happeneing........
Now lets do a physics lesson ....... steel back plate vs a few tonne of steel doing x mph ......... hello back plate, goodbye back plate, hello cab,
goodbye cab!
Mate drove one of those for a while. Met someone where the whole load apart from 1 bit went through the cab. Luckily the 1 bit that didn't move
was behind him.
Jeez...........lucky or what
At work we have 1500 tonnes of steel bar delivered per week on lorries, mainly coming from Stocksbridge and Rotherham in Yorkshire.
A few months ago a driver fell asleep on the final approach to our factory, drove into the hedge and up a bank on a long straight piece of road, and
shed 25 tonnes of 220mm diameter steel bars all over the main road. It was dark at the time and a Pug 206 coming down the road the other way hit
one! needless to say, everything 220mm or lower on the car was missing, luckily the driver was ok though!!
It wass an interesting night with hired cranes recovering the crashed and overturned lorry and picking all the steel up off the road!!
don't suppose anyone can convert the picture above into a jpeg file, then post it back up again?
It is already a jpeg, just right click on it and do save image as...just relised this is when using firefox, it appears as a bmp in ie, hmm
EDIT: for some reson even attaching a jpg image didnt work, IE still offered to save as a bmp, just try using firefox to save the image
Originally posted by chris.russell
don't suppose anyone can convert the picture above into a jpeg file, then post it back up again?
here is the jpeg version
Bugger - it seems to have reverted to bmp!!!!!!!
[Edited on 19/7/05 by DarrenW]
Rescued attachment truckgirders.jpg
i'm confused!
Put an email up and someone can post it to you.
got it sorted now, just had to wait until I got home to find a computer with a graphics program that works, thanks for all the help