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Quiet / Rorty
chrisg - 1/1/03 at 08:48 PM

Well I'm back!

Hasn't it been quiet on here whilst I've been away?

Don't worry that's all over now!

The holiday(s) ?, brilliant thanks, Spain was warm but the beer was cold, Dublin was bloody freezing but much warmer in the pubs!

Anyway, just a quick appolgy to rorty:-

Bob / Rorty / Claude / Bruce I now know I was wrong to cast aspersions on your rugged good looks, I can see from your avatar that you are perhaps the most attractive and manly little red cross in a white box that I have ever seen!



Happy New Year!!

chrisg - 1/1/03 at 10:26 PM

cross that last bit out:- Rorty's avatar is now up and running.

It appears that he is animated, Like Homer Simpson.



Rorty - 2/1/03 at 04:46 AM

I'll show you, I refuse to be goaded and drawn any further into this mire. I'm going to reserve my energy for more deserving matters.
I'm not even going to favour you with a nice smilie.