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100,000 and counting
chrisg - 22/1/03 at 10:51 PM

Hello my little ones,

Just been doing a little website tidying and noticed that my hit counter has just passed the magic 100,000 mark.

Many thanks to all who have visited (although 80,000 hits were probably me trying to sort stuff out!!) and a reminder that all comments and suggestions are greatfully received.

And no the website won't fit up my a*se so don't suggest that again.

Any pictures for the gallery would be good too.

Thanks again


chrisg - 23/1/03 at 07:05 PM

Don't all shout at once!!



interestedparty - 23/1/03 at 07:08 PM

Chris, may I be the first to congratulate you on this outstanding achievement!

ps, this post also certified sarcasm free

chrisg - 23/1/03 at 07:44 PM

Cheers John!

jollygreengiant - 23/1/03 at 11:23 PM

I bet it must be hell getting insurance if you've been hit that many times!