Did a little surfing, don't look there too often but it seem's a bout of "unsubscribing" is doing the rounds again......
You been on there again Mr G ?
Nah, this one is about some plonker who got an email saying that if he doesn't pass it on to EVERYONE in his address book, he will have the worst bad
luck ever.
Strange that he got a slating by several members when he forwarded it to the Yahoo list.
He wasn't too happy about the replies and has decided that the list is full of narrowminded folk and he's off.
Not as interesting as ChrisG's exit but hey, it's all that's happening really.
I deleted the original so I can't post it here, but you get this gist.
It's bound to be my fault somewhere along the line!
PS I might ask Alan B if I can rejoin - It's been a bit quiet!!!!
What did meek and mild chrisg actually DO???
Originally posted by Mark Allanson
What did meek and mild chrisg actually DO???
in a nutshell i think steve
Like Steve said................and because one of the main culprits for "smamming" the list was made a moderator!!
I was quite miffed at this occurance and dared to say so.
Can't say I miss it much.
Been monitoring the posts, there seems a lot of clique. one poor misguided soul who had recieved a death threat if he didn't pass on a malicious
chain e-mail, passed it onto the TOL, the daggers were out and he got a load of abuse and eventually removed himself.
He obviously took the letter seriously, and through fear passed it on, I think I would rather take my chances with the Voodoo than upset the TOL
members, I NEVER post just in case...................................
its always worth putting things into perspective.
TOL is a list.
its a few bits of magnetism on a disk in california.
just a couple clicks by a moderator and its gone.
At one time I thought that TOL was great, and it all went shit.
Now I think this site is great and hope history does not repeat.
This list is also a few bytes on a disk. Difference here is that people like ACTUALLY meet up and see eachother in like REAL life. Can you believe
You have to actually meet people - thats kinda restrictive when you just wanna be anal on a list.
Perhaps thats the difference between us and TOL - real people that actually get on.
As far as I know no bugger from LB has ever actually met you.
Who's to say you're not some weirdo that just claims to be a car builder...?
I knew someone would comment, and its no suprise its you hippy!
Why cant I be weird AND a car builder?
I will be attending one or more of the shows this year, as soon as I can sort out which dress Im gonna wear
That is a joke btw, just in case I dissapoint anyone........
And cos I havnt met anyone, I suppose I can be a bit TOL.
So bollox to you hippy
[Edited on 18/2/03 by stephen_gusterson]
Well i don't mind, so long as it's not the short flowered one with the buttoned sleeves, we don't want to clash do we sweetie?
i]Originally posted by stephen_gusterson
as soon as I can sort out which dress Im gonna wear
We do what we do cos we like it, building cars, some cos they like building, some cos they like driving, either way the support is great (see my post
about loosing my barn, people I have never met being REALLY supportive, both practically and morally)
The TOL seem to be there for the TOL, not actually building, I wonder how many have got their hands dirty, or are just discussing the theory. An
extreem of this is the USA list, I think a poor chap got excommunicated for suggesting that a watts linkage might work instead of a panhard rod. On
this community, I think the idea would have been discussed at length and then chucked out cos of handbrake cable access instead of deviance from the
accepted bible.
At least we try to explain why you cannot fit a Honda engine fitted to a flymo gearbox with a bamboo propshaft to a tesco trolly axle without
derision. All the noobie questions answered sensibly, even though they have been covered before (I was asking such questions only a few months ago)
I could not have got to the stage that I am without this site, not just with the practicallities but the general ' go for it support'
I really don't think we are in danger of going the way of the TOL
ChrisG , whaddayouthink Y/N
At least we try to explain why you cannot fit a Honda engine fitted to a flymo gearbox with a bamboo propshaft to a tesco trolly axle without derision.
why you cannot fit a Honda engine fitted to a flymo gearbox with a bamboo propshaft to a tesco trolly axle without derision
Mr Allanson
ChrisG , whaddayouthink Y/N
Locost OTO group, Steve'll remember that! (and Mr Minicountry man)
FYI, they have Considerably Trolling TOL now!
Msg below....
Good afternoon
I am very interested in Lotus Sevens, but am rather confused as to
the purpose of this board.
To be a "clone" of a Lotus Seven, one would need to build something
very close, both internally and externally to the original. This
would be quite expensive, and difficult, since the engines Chapman
used are not that available, the chassis jigs are owned by someone
else, and many of the parts are no longer available. Nevertheless an
interesting exercise, in building one of the definitive sports cars
of the last half a century.
Then we have the "Ron Champion" inspired, build-it-as-cheap-as-
possible, Locosts. Certainly an honourable hobby, but not one that
could be always considered as resulting in "a Lotus Seven" clone.
Surely the nearest thing to a "clone" is the Caterham, or maybe a
Birkin. Painting a car red doesn't make it a Ferrari you know.
So what exactly does this board have to do with Lotus Sevens? All you
seem to talk about is weirdo technical ideas about how you can put a
washing machine engine in a Bond Bug. All very interesting I am sure,
but wouldn't it be better if you went out and drove the things?
So I think you should take the "Lotus Seven" part off your page, as
you don't seem to have much interest in them.
Regards, Con
Nice one considerably!!
Now this is where it gets REALLY weird..... someone is pretending to be me.
And someone thinks that I am already an alter-ego (super ego more like) ....
Think I am coming down with schizophrenia
Must take an aspirin.
You know of course (as an edikatid man) that asprin's nowhere near as strong these days - you need to take at least 600 for the average headache.
DR Chris
BTW it does sound like you.
see you've been a bit busy on TOL, don't think you will be welcome on there much longer me finks ???
ya iccle bugger.............
Personally I think it's that chrisg fellow.
After all....he has "motive" after being chucked out. Now he is getting revenge.
Plus I would have spelled my name right.
could b me then, my speelings orfull you no ??? wot old chap......
I seriously couldn't be arsed, its all in the past, and if it's not you then he's got you off to a tee.
I'm not a member there now (as you know) but members get to see e-mail addresses, mail him and ask him if it's you.
B4 they unsub you (tomorrow probably)
It's much more fun for you over there, keep it up and they'll make you a moderator!
Well, I was wrong, you saw the day out (by letting"Dr Jekell" out for a while) but getting them to change the name of the forum........That is
amazing. If only your powers could be used for good instead of evil.....................
Plus I would have spelled my name right
You went to which school?
Col (from the comp)
Both are a correct past tense.
Dreamed ... Dreamt
Learned ... Learnt
Spelled ... Spelt
So there
Bye then.
Originally posted by Considerably
Both are a correct past tense.
Dreamed ... Dreamt
Learned ... Learnt
Spelled ... Spelt
So there![]()
Hmmm, can't quite work out of you are being serious.
If so, then you really are spectacularly ill educated. Still, being illiterate is not the burden it used to be, I am sure you find interestingly
menial labour.
Sadly there really is no cure for cretinism.
How could I have even THOUGHT about leaving you chaps ... when this is so much fun.
p.s. Wynford Hicks, who lectures in English at the LSE agrees with me, I have a copy of "English for Journalists" with me right now.
Plus he has a few good pointers on Past and Present tense, which you might find useful, as you appear not to know the difference.
Unless of course you are using the Midlands vernacular ...
"I learned him" .... "I won him 2-0"
Bye then
Hello Guys,
just popped over to see what you are saying about the list.
FWIW, its a shame that Alan was pissed off 'bout listers 'ordering' him to unsub Mr Considerable. I agree with Alan - he didnt do anything
contravening the rules, so why should he be unsubbed? We don't have any rules banning idiots, otherwise anyone building their own chassis would be
barred...(including me)
Just so you know, there ARE a lot of builders on the list (from a comment here!!), and a lot of lurkers. Hey Ho, that how it goes.
Sorry many of you guys feel its such a crap list - it isnt most of the time. Only when tossers like con_soderable deliberately stir things up. Shame
that some of the list members get drawn into it. Oh well, with 1500 of them there bound to be a few who cant help themselves!!
Anyway, must get back to moderating TOL, you never know who's going to turn up.
James H
Remaining Moderator, TOL!!
* Only when tossers like con_soderable deliberately stir things up
Was hardly difficult, now was it. You seem to have particularly uptight bunch over there.
I particularly loved the guy who INSISTED I was in Canada !
Hmmm, can't quite work out of you are being serious.
If so, then you really are spectacularly ill educated.
I must be as I am unable to make sense of this
Hmmm, can't quite work out of you are being serious!!!!!!
Cheers Col
Ooops, typo.
Hmmm, can't quite work out if you are being serious!!!!!!
In reference to ....
*Learned means having knowledge, or in reference to the legal profession.
True, but it is also the past tense of the verb "To learn" .... "Yesterday I learned that the Yahoo Locost listers have rabies"
*Spelled is a present tense not past.
Er, no. "I can spell apple" vs. "In the above I spelled 'of" incorrectly".
I guess we do have an uptight 0.3%....
Still, better than the 0.07% of tosspieces....
Hi Chris....
Noticed you mentioned resubbing to TOL !!
Thought you would like to know that I took you off the banned list some months ago (I think when I became the moderator!). Mainly because I didn't
think you had done anything wrong!!
Anyway, you are more than welcome.
*Still, better than the 0.07% of tosspieces....
They are going to love you if I start re-posting again, and give my reason as your continued bad attitude
Seemed like they didn't think much of you before !
Just need to get rid of my remedial english class first, then I will be gone from here too
Seems like I shot myself in the foot by responding to your post!
I should have known better, being an eva' so humble midlander (tips his hat in respect), that by replying I should give you reason to execute your
infinite wit! You being so learnt an' all!
I should be so grateful that you didn't see fit to have me flogged!
I will see what I can do
For ChrisG
Hi Chris.... Noticed you mentioned resubbing to TOL !!
Thought you would like to know that I took you off the banned list some months ago (I think when I became the moderator!). Mainly because I didn't think you had done anything wrong!!
Anyway, you are more than welcome.
Originally posted by James Hughes
Hello Guys,
just popped over to see what you are saying about the list.
FWIW, its a shame that Alan was pissed off 'bout listers 'ordering' him to unsub Mr Considerable. I agree with Alan - he didnt do anything contravening the rules, so why should he be unsubbed? We don't have any rules banning idiots, otherwise anyone building their own chassis would be barred...(including me)
Just so you know, there ARE a lot of builders on the list (from a comment here!!), and a lot of lurkers. Hey Ho, that how it goes.
Sorry many of you guys feel its such a crap list - it isnt most of the time. Only when tossers like con_soderable deliberately stir things up. Shame that some of the list members get drawn into it. Oh well, with 1500 of them there bound to be a few who cant help themselves!!
Anyway, must get back to moderating TOL, you never know who's going to turn up.
James H
Remaining Moderator, TOL!!
There it is in black and whatever yer got yer background set to.
You said you were unsubscribed.
Mr Hughes said he unbanned you.
Implies you were BANNED which isnt a voluntary act.
Mr Gibbs, as I never doubted, you were right all along
You were pushed!
You never jumped!
(bet it took some kinda shove, if your reputation is true :0) )
Originally posted by James Hughes
Hi Chris....
Noticed you mentioned resubbing to TOL !!
Thought you would like to know that I took you off the banned list some months ago (I think when I became the moderator!). Mainly because I didn't think you had done anything wrong!!
Anyway, you are more than welcome.
He he he, such a stupid argument!! That the message posted by Con_siderably (whoever he may be) has caused so much bo**ocks is incredi.......no hang on what am I thinking!! Mr Hughes is known in Locost racing circles as 'The Lawnmower Man' due to his sage advice on the Locost Racing list about tuning x_flow engines based on his experience with Honda GX160 engines in go-karts (as it happens for my sins I have been a go-kart mechanic on a professional basis and, apart from it being a 4-stroke engine there are NO similarities) so why should I be suprised that someone sugesting people should learn to walk before they start running ie build a 'simple' car with a 'simple engine and actualy be able to drive it/know how it handles before they start designing the 21st century Mclaren F1 - should put so may peoples backs up..........
I've just sat for the last 45 mins trawling through every post since he started his 'debate' last Thursday....
Having never even bothered to look at TOL before now I wondered if I might be missing something useful.
Having read posts other than those related to Considerably I can see I've missed nowt as any technical information or advice I can get hold of on
It's gotta be said that if I was moderator of it there would have been about a million bans, none of which would have been Con.
And congrats to Gusterwotsit for finally losing his respect for TOL.
LONG LIVE LOCOSTBUILDERS (cause TOL is dying on its arse)
Hip hip...
BTW mr considerably
dont feel to great about the stir you caued on TOL.
Its way to easy and cant be considered an acheivment at all..
Why dont you get yourself over to Box Hill on sunday the 2nd,we can have a cuppa and all live happily ever after
We meet every 1st sunday at 10am
Thanks for the offer.
Actually I turned up for the February one .. but about 90 mins late. Just bikes in the car park - ahhh, now I am thinking you might not mean Rykers ?
Do you meet in the NT carpark at the top ?
Won't make March, as getting v.v. drunk on the Saturday, and won't be sufficently sober by 10am, plus have to make cooked breakie for guests.
Will wave a bacon sandwich at Boxhill for you.
Yeah - it's the bikers carpark next to the A24, from 10 till at least 12.
Hehe, I bet that keeps the bikers amused, the sound of a superbike screaming its way up to place, and what should come round the corner, but a car.
"This is what happens to your bikes when you crash them"
Yep,Rykas at bottom of hill.
Funny thing is i can remember a red caterham in feb,the only car we had there was james in the cossie beast.
The rest of us are still building,maybe another time then
[Edited on 25/2/03 by bob]
ya know bob....
sometimes I get the feeling considerably might just be telling a few porkie pies..............
Red one wasn't mine. I drove up the A24, to the Leatherhead roundabout, and then back, at aroun 11:30. Had a quick look in Rykkas, but counldn't see anything but bikes, and didn't want to stop as was v. chilly. Roads were quite greasy as well, AFAIR, lots of roundabout fun !
A few of us were still there at 11.30,but only the one car.