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Is it the done thing to respond to time wasting polls?
philgregson - 20/2/03 at 07:43 PM

Just wondering If I should respond to roadKill's poll about having a poll - My general feeling is that I shouldn't encourage time wasting polls.

What do you think?

RoadkillUK - 20/2/03 at 09:20 PM

Your answers are questions which is confusing me a little.

As for time wasting polls, they are not wasting your time if you have the time to poll or reply, which I don't so in this case I thing you are right that they are time wasting but not always (I think), OK?

philgregson - 20/2/03 at 09:32 PM

Well as things are going I'm not sure wether I will be finding time to respond to your poll or not as i don't fully understand the results of my own poll.

Although no-one has sugested that I should not respond to your poll (and therefore I presume do not consider it a waste of time) the majority are sugesting that I get my coat. Unfortunately I am not sure if getting my coat negates me responding to your poll or not.

I am now spending so long worrying about my poll that I don't think I can waste the time responding to yours thus negating the need for the poll.

I think a poll is required to assist me.


Poll anyone?


chrisg - 20/2/03 at 10:22 PM

No...Yes, um dunno.


Chris.......I think

Stu16v - 20/2/03 at 10:23 PM

Polls are a form of statistic, i.e. depending on how they are worded, you can obtain the answer that you are looking for.
Did you know that 25% of all road accidents were caused by drink driving. Bad innit?

But that means 75% were sober. Even more worrying.....

Peteff - 21/2/03 at 08:46 PM

I don't like polls.
I don't like any furriners.
Anyway you can prove any old rubbish using facts.

yours, Pete,

jollygreengiant - 21/2/03 at 11:44 PM

Originally posted by Stu16v
Polls are a form of statistic, i.e. depending on how they are worded, you can obtain the answer that you are looking for.
Did you know that 25% of all road accidents were caused by drink driving. Bad innit?

But that means 75% were sober. Even more worrying.....

Ah but 85% of people are caused by accidents!


johnston - 22/2/03 at 07:40 PM


Ah but 85% of people are caused by accidents!

i thought 85% of people were caused by power cuts??