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TOL is now a dictatorship
stephen_gusterson - 27/2/03 at 10:55 PM

In case no one has noticed, Mr James Hughes is now approving every new member and EVERY POST.

Try sending something to TOL and see how long it takes to reach the list.

It will be tomorrow morning when James gets to work and spends his day running TOL from a company account.

Rather than admit that he has efectively banned Con and me, he introduces extreme censorship.

As an adult, i can cope with ignoring stuff from Con. James cant.

TOL now seems to be the sole moderators pet project.

Its interesting to note that although I called most of the group 'total F&^king idiots' due to the fight that broke out over con, not ONE person called me out on the list OR in an email. Just James.

I think that shows I was wrong - 1499 people are not idiots - they understood what I meant.

Come on james. Make it a round 1500 that understand by making TOL a free group.



posted to tol also.....bets on it appearing......

Jon Ison - 28/2/03 at 06:55 AM

not worth the effort, this is the place to be............

you can take the pi55, within reason
you can have a farrrrrrf
BUT you allways get the info you want, then its up to the individual wether he takes it in or not....

live n let live locostbuilders style.......

Jon Ison - 28/2/03 at 06:56 AM

oh, and as for 1500 members, how many are active ????

stephen_gusterson - 28/2/03 at 07:35 PM

Originally posted by Jon Ison
oh, and as for 1500 members, how many are active ????

i have tried to make the point for younks that its prob less than 200 or so.....but they like big numbers!

when our members list was active it looked like out of 500 about 100 were truly active.

I think its all relative.



fastenuff - 28/2/03 at 07:37 PM

wel count me out on that so at most 1498, got in for the files in the begining but don't like the set up, to dull looks like cheap prints with xpensive ads.

Findlay234 - 28/2/03 at 07:46 PM

i saw the big clash on there, i stayed silent and just watched and chuckled as events rolled out. i find it more amusing that it was con himself that was the centre of the toubles, when he started here there was a bit of unrest but i think we all get along now. hes even joining in on other threads.

when will they get the idea that you cant show true emotions on the net........ some guys............... James Hughes ................... reckon youre being serious when youre only avin a larf. has there ever been a case when the moderator himself gets thrown off?????? a couple on this forum would enjoy that(those who were thrown off TOL)...........


ps. the 'total F&^king idiots' comment...... someone had to say it. glad it was someone from this forum.

[Edited on 28/2/03 by Findlay234]

auzziejim - 1/3/03 at 10:42 PM

hey stephen do you find it at all funny that there have been no posts on the forum today. guesses on James not working on a Saturday?


kingr - 2/3/03 at 12:12 AM

One thing that has occured to me, why isn't there a locost newsgroup (or is there?). It seems like the ideal thing: accessible through custom readers, on the net, or to your email, there's no moderation, no stupid adverts and no work load to maintain it.


stephen_gusterson - 2/3/03 at 12:48 AM

James has heavily moderated - or censored the group for the last 2 days.

I have sent 3 posts, and he hasnt allowed them and 2 of them were ordinary answers.

The other one was an exact copy of the first one in this thread. he isnt man enougth to let things sort themselves out.

my view is that there should be NO moderation. It works here. Situations like Considerably just fix themselves. If there are moderators you either have other peoples wills bein imposed, or other people trying to get other people to enforcem their will by proxy.

if you get what I mean.

At the moment James is killing the group all by himself.

post a question - get an answer 2 dyas later after its passed 2 stages of moderating.

James is putting himself in a dangerous position. Moderating a group from work, where I come from, would likely be a dismissal offence on the grounds of using company internet and not working - ie running a group when he should be.



theconrodkid - 2/3/03 at 08:49 AM

its been so long since i went on TOL ive forgotten the addy,anyone want to post it so i can have a larf this afternoon

stephen_gusterson - 2/3/03 at 12:09 PM

Originally posted by theconrodkid
its been so long since i went on TOL ive forgotten the addy,anyone want to post it so i can have a larf this afternoon


as well as heavily moderatingthe group, the only post james has let though in the last 24 hrs is one which appears to be SPAM advertising a phone card in the usa!!!!

James has lost it.



ChrisW - 2/3/03 at 12:51 PM

Don't know why they need moderators really. I think in the history of this group I've had to 'have a word' once. Most problems just sort themselves out once people realise someone is on a windup. The Considerably thing was quite amusing in the end - I'm almost sad to see him go.

At the end of the day, as has been said before, this site is about socialising with other like minded people. If we can't have a laugh then what's the point? Think of it as like being down a very big pub...


Alan B - 2/3/03 at 01:40 PM

Originally posted by ChrisW

Think of it as like being down a very big pub...


Right, well quit yapping and get to the bar...

ChrisW - 2/3/03 at 01:52 PM

I heard it was your round Alan? Stop trying to get out of it!


David Jenkins - 2/3/03 at 02:36 PM

Once the con thing got out of hand I left the group - no fuss, just opted out.

I wasn't getting anything out of it anyway...

Don't miss it, either... which is sad, as it helped me through a few problems in the past (and I hope I've done the same for others since)

So, here I am, stuck here in LocostBuilders!!!

Bad luck, chaps!



ChrisW - 2/3/03 at 02:49 PM

Good to have you here David. Take a seat - Alan's getting the beers in!


theconrodkid - 2/3/03 at 03:29 PM

ill have some beef crisps with mine

theconrodkid - 2/3/03 at 04:06 PM

just had a look ,reminds me of little old ladies eating cake,drinking tea and discussing knitting patterns

johnston - 2/3/03 at 08:23 PM

i signed up read it once and thought wat a load of shite discovered this one thought it was the dogs balls

went back the other day to see the fuss bout con thought it was real funny although i think stevie g is the only one left wit any coomon sense

stephen_gusterson - 2/3/03 at 10:17 PM

thanks for that jonhson....just shows what they have become

If you go back to pre dec2001 it was in many ways not unlike this group.

It was a laff as well as a tech resource.

then it got all anal. As of 10.14pm sunday, there has been one post today. If you want to know how to get cheap long distance in the usa, get there right away.

why dont we have useful stuff like that. We must thank james for going out of his way to let that one through for the car building public today

Last weekend there were 84 posts (i think 80 were con related!) and this weekend there are FIVE?



[Edited on 2/3/03 by stephen_gusterson]

Ian Pearson - 3/3/03 at 08:36 AM

TOL was instrumental in getting me started on my build, it was a huge source of info, and it's a shame that it went the way it did. I think this list is great, there is far more banter and it can sometimes take a little more time to find an answer to a question than TOL before it's demise, but that's no big deal. This list is amusing as well as informative.

Steve, I'll stick my head above the parapet and say that while I totally agree with most of what has been said re: TOL, I thought your post, especially the title was totally unecessary. I did think of e-mailing you but thought better of it.

Silence does not always equal agreement with your point of view.

stephen_gusterson - 3/3/03 at 10:21 PM

Originally posted by Ian Pearson
TOL was instrumental in getting me started on my build, it was a huge source of info, and it's a shame that it went the way it did. I think this list is great, there is far more banter and it can sometimes take a little more time to find an answer to a question than TOL before it's demise, but that's no big deal. This list is amusing as well as informative.

Steve, I'll stick my head above the parapet and say that while I totally agree with most of what has been said re: TOL, I thought your post, especially the title was totally unecessary. I did think of e-mailing you but thought better of it.

Silence does not always equal agreement with your point of view.

True Ian.

If you dont agree with me, I dont have a problem with you telling me so. To be honest, that now makes two people one of whom mailed me direct. Still 1498 silent voices tho.

In the time I have been on TOL, for right and wrong, I myself have been personally attacked a few times. If the one and only time I felt like saying what I really felt last week came out as it did, then I should have been more expressive over those two years.

However, even the calling card spam attracted personal abuse to the person that posted it.

And there is something ost stange going on - all the posts were moderated - the yahoo list said that when you posted I find that the title post from this thread has been posted on there four days late.....

there has been extreme moderating going on, now it stops, and only one of my posts gets on ther of the three I sent ....... and its the controversial one. Now, being the suspicious sort, I wonder why that is...........

If I offended you, sorry - but I cant change my opinion to suit.



Ian Pearson - 4/3/03 at 09:44 AM

Hey Steve,

No offense at all, these lists exist because we all have opinions!

stephen_gusterson - 4/3/03 at 07:04 PM

Originally posted by Ian Pearson
Hey Steve,

No offense at all, these lists exist because we all have opinions!

yeah. I try very carefully not to express mine

atb steve

Jon Ison - 4/3/03 at 07:56 PM

subject closed ?????

stephen_gusterson - 4/3/03 at 10:00 PM

Originally posted by Jon Ison
subject closed ?????

yes methinks.

I was even thinking of deleting it.....

if you delete the first post the whole thread I so discovered by accident once!



James Hughes - 5/3/03 at 12:58 PM

Hey Stephen, looks like Yahoo finally let your posts through....

For those of you wondering, no posts are moderated on TOL, we don't vet new members, and there are 4 (yes, 4 - one of whom is an active member of this forum)moderators which make it less of a dictatorship I would have thought.

That said, thanks for all the snide comments about me, exclusivly from people who have never met me and completely failed to get their facts right. I am pretty sure than in the pub environment that you aspire too, you wouldnt say these things to my face. Or would you?

Remember, TOL is a public environment, as is this forum - everything gets archived. I would think that recent newpaper and TV stories about emails you wished you had never sent should send a shiver down a few spines!!

Remmber, we are all building locosts (in fact, I prefer doing that than moderating TOL), Why Oh Why do some people feel the need to try and destroy a perfectly usable and helpful resource dedicated to that end?

James Hughes (you know, the dictator)

Metal Hippy™ - 5/3/03 at 01:03 PM

Nobody set out to 'destroy' the resource. One person started a perfectly sensible debate about calling our cars Sevens and Sevenesque and it spiralled out of control thanks to what appeared to be regular contributers to the list.

James Hughes - 5/3/03 at 02:27 PM

Not entirely accurate, but let sleeping dogs lie as far as I am concerned. I am more interested in getting the car finished (3 years and counting - bloody offspring keep getting in the way!), and keeping the majority of list members happy, whether they are psychotic maniacs or non-locost builders.

Metal Hippy™ - 5/3/03 at 03:00 PM

Let sleeping dogs lie? That's pretty easy for me. Only got a rabbit, chinchilla, hamster and a rat. No dog.

Therefore any sleeping dogs are nowhere near me to be disturbed from their sleep.

Jon Ison - 5/3/03 at 03:30 PM

James may i point out this post to you

posted on 4/3/03 at 19:56
subject closed ?????

i tried, but failed eh ????

thats me done on the subject, i'm off to pub tonight, J29 meet, i like the pub enviroment.............oh and yes i'm quite happy to make any "snide" comments i feel like, but not on here, prefare the personal touch............

James Hughes - 5/3/03 at 05:33 PM

Just wanted to put a few facts into the conversation, after all, some fairly unpleasant things were said about me personally, which were untrue.

I appreciate the fact you prefer to snide it face to face - much preferable in my book!!

As an aside, have you made a GT1? Because I think thats next on the 3 year car building list!!


stephen_gusterson - 5/3/03 at 07:53 PM


I dont have anyting against you.

I live half an hour away.

If you fancy a pint, we can talk it over no problems.

The point I was making was that since Thursday - till Tuesday - all posts I was making to the list were coming up with 'the modertator needs to approve the postings' or summat like that. Knowing that yahoo can filter individual ones, I assumed you were doing extreme modserating.

I still believe thats was the case.

I have not read TOL in the last few days as I dont want it to spiral either.

Would be against the point of my original post!

I would like to point out that one post reads wrong - the 'poser' word meant problem - not a personal 'flash git ' kinda poser.

I truly think that TOL is better off - like this site - without someone who thinks they have to control the group. Things sort themselves out.

The point I was making was that TOL gets way off its trolley at the slightest thing. Insults get chucked around at people posting phonecard ads.....that was about all that happened last weekend on TOL.

I dont have a personal problem with you James - just a distaste of some attitudes on TOL.

I have no problems talking to you personally at any time!

peace brothers.



Mark Allanson - 5/3/03 at 08:01 PM


I have looked at TOL for about 8 months now and have been active here for about the same time. I have noticed that some members of TOL seem to get rather, shall we say expressive, usually about non car related subjects, and yet here everyone seems to be so chilled out - why the difference?

Mark Allanson - 5/3/03 at 08:02 PM


I have looked at TOL for about 8 months now and have been active here for about the same time. I have noticed that some members of TOL seem to get rather, shall we say expressive, usually about non car related subjects, and yet here everyone seems to be so chilled out - why the difference?

stephen_gusterson - 5/3/03 at 08:10 PM

Knowing that yahoo can filter individual ones, I assumed

that was WRONG in my last post - read CANT.

Site wont let me edit the posts!

My theory, is that TOL has a facility to send emails of every post, a digest, or you can read on site.

If you get every post emailed, it does seem very personal. This post just drops onto your screen, and it looks like its just for you.

So, if you get considerably, or a 2c phone card, or a joke, or banter, 45 times a day, i think it gets to much for some people.

I learnt in a day it was masochistic spamming.

I read on the site.

just my theory.



Jon Ison - 5/3/03 at 08:20 PM

no problem james, now feel free to "cut n paste" any snide comments i have made about you below ?????????????

i'de love to see them myself????

of to meeting now, laters chaps....

James Hughes - 6/3/03 at 09:59 AM

Sorry Jon,

An apology, I didnt mean to imply you were making snide comments - just that if you were, I would prefer them face to face!!! It was a sort of joke. Emphasis on sort of!!

Going back to the list, I think one of the reasons that some member get a bit fruity is that we have many people from all over the world. I know this site does too, but judging by the majority of posting, not so many. So, we get all sorts. Also, ever mail sent to the list gets sent to everyone, as Stephen mention, unlike a forum based system such as this where you can pick and choose. Each system has its advantages of course.

What is does mean is that you can go off on one using a forum, without offending the more sensistive souls, whereas you cannot on a list based system. On the other hand, a posting may not reach everyone who may be interested.

Swings and roundabouts, but it does make a list based group much more difficult to moderate, and I now think you have to be a little draconian sometimes, in order to keep the majority of the list happy. I didnt think that 2 weeks ago....experience has taught me otherwise!!!

Peace, brothers in Locost.


Metal Hippy™ - 6/3/03 at 10:06 AM


I thought I was the resident hippy?

Ian Pearson - 8/3/03 at 06:49 PM

Surely the base line for expressing ANY opinion should be that said opinion is polite and free of abuse? If TOL or any list is not to your taste, unsubscribe, and get on with building the CAR!