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Cartoon car avatars and graphics
Alan B - 21/3/03 at 12:54 AM

Ok, who is the artist doing the cartoon-like seven images?

I want some for my car..........

( of course )

MK9R - 21/3/03 at 11:07 AM


car artz

MK9R - 21/3/03 at 11:10 AM

Oh yeah, and don't nick my avatar like someone else did with the yellow seven i used to have as my avatar!!

Alan B - 21/3/03 at 12:26 PM

Thanks mate, I'll try them. I wouldn't nick car is kinda different.....



merlin - 30/3/03 at 09:41 PM

If you mail me a photo I'll knock one up for you!

Alan B - 30/3/03 at 11:40 PM

Cheers mate...I'll do that...