On Friday I thought "weather's good for the weekend, I'll get some work done in the garage, sun shining in, etc."
On Saturday I wrenched my back somehow (just driving along in my real car!) and spent the next 3 days unable to do a damn thing.
I've now got to be careful for the next week while it recovers...
I'm just back on my feet from a nasty attack of bronchitis. Added to the fact I spent the first part of the year working in Europe and the US
I've done about 4 hours work on my car this year.
Frustrating or what?
Sprained my finger now typing that!!!
(with the bad back)
Rearrange these words into a well known phrase or saying...
yours, up!
[Edited on 1/4/03 by David Jenkins]
Damn, I'm rubbish at puzzles.........erm....
You think you got problems, my tubular chassis has a engine, box, and rear suspension. My back has missing disks, cracked vertabrae, and pain. Doctor wants to put me out of action for 13 weeks! Flat on my face for 3months! Guess the car will have to wait!! To hell with a sprained finger!!
Don't know how to break this to you but
I don't really have a sprained finger!
Fit as a fiddle me (touches wood)
You think you got problems.....My back has missing disks, cracked vertabrae, and pain. Doctor wants to put me out of action for 13 weeks! Flat on my face for 3months!
Originally posted by sg_frost
You think you got problems, my tubular chassis has a engine, box, and rear suspension. My back has missing disks, cracked vertabrae, and pain. Doctor wants to put me out of action for 13 weeks! Flat on my face for 3months! Guess the car will have to wait!! To hell with a sprained finger!!
Roy Scheider's character doesn't like boats or fish or water, what possessed him to take the job. Ruined an otherwise perfectly plausible
film for me. Not!.
yours, Pete.
Rorty wrote:
A statment like this has all the makings of a really good new thread to rival the scene from Jaws, where Roy Scheider, Robert Shaw and Richard Dreyfuss are all on Shaws boat, and Shaw and Dreyfuss start comparing wounds and injuries.
Anyone care to follow on?
well iv got damaged cartalige in my left knee, arthritis in my left elbow and a pretty bad smokers cough, hehe!
I cant play football or rugby but can build a car
Soft bastards the lot of you....:-)
(runs for cover)
alan we all know your just jealous you dont have any battle scars (if thats what you can call them)
Damn.....found out..:-)
(obviously I do have my share of battle scars....how can you build cars without them?)
Left knee cap went AWOL in 1986 and right knee cap decided to join it in 1993,arthritis is nice now its set in.
Couple of facial scars,but then again its hard round here
I've got an X scar on my chin a mis shapen finger after in was crushed flat, at the moment 2 dead finger nails, 3 moulten plastic scars where the skin was ripped off my hand, a scar on my left thumb from a machete, one on the right thumb where a kebab stick went thru my hand and one on my finger from glass and my back's got a bit busted off it and my knees are always dodgy And I;'m only 16!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well I'm just a brain in a jar - So beat that!
And my brwain huuurts!
Cerebral Chris
Damn I just got some oil and dirt under my finger nails and it looks like its buggered up my french manicure. It never rains but it pours. I dont know
if I can carry on, good bye cruel world.
[Edited on 3/4/2003 by paulbeyer]
Daft beggars!
Originally posted by chrisg
Well I'm just a brain in a jar
Is it a Shiphams bloater paste jar or summat like that. Anyway, if you're a brain in a jar how did you sprain your finger typing. You just make
stuff up you do. I'm alright now my legs have grown back since my accident with the light sabre.
yours, Pete.
a scar on my left thumb from a machete, one on the right thumb where a kebab stick went thru my hand
Originally posted by johnston
......oh and never had a broken bone in my life (yet)
I'm going to use thought control to make you stub your toe
Cos I've just won 8 .....no 10 million on the lottery
Got to go Kylie's at the door, dripping, if you know what I mean (and I think you do)
HaaaaaaaHaaaaaaaaaa - wibble
Chris, king of Belgium
i think youl find its the men in white coats and not kylie at the door,shees doing the hoovering at my place
The machete had a loose handle and so when cutting close to my hand it actually cut through my thumb and the kebab skick thing was when I tried to
make arrows to fire from a catapult and instead of going up it whent down and when through the hand which I as holding the catapault with
is that king of belgium beer chris?
oscar wilde would have preferred to look up your skirt......it is the weekend after all chris(tine)
I suppose we could have a philosophical discussion.....................
No..............Get stuffed!
I think I see a crack in this jar as well.......
h e l p
Anyway I've got a black toenail from a nasty stub. I got up to answer the door thinking it might be Kylie and I caught it on the coffee table.
And it wasn't her it was fat ass Lopez defying her restraining order again, ruined my week.
yours, Pete.
There's nothing quite like self-inflicted pain. Got to work this mornin & got given a desperation job, somone ovewr filled this chaps merc
with engine oil (bout 2litres). So I grab floor mat & rip off seat cover from roll on rail. TOTALLY mis-time my pull at the seat cover and SMACK.
Punched myself full tilt in the NUTS. Its bad enough when some else does it to you. But to do it to yourself. God they
[Edited on 5/4/03 by jollygreengiant]
I once knocked my self out with a 4lb lump hammer.
Don't ask bit daft realy.
I can top that for stupid self inflicted accidents!
I have a number of hole cutters and they have a nut to tighten them onto the drill bit shaft. I was tightening with a large spanner (can't
remeber which size) whilst it was attached to the drill, whilst the drill was plugged in, whilst I had my finger near the trigger!!
In order to stop the drill from twisting as I did the hole cutter up I thought I'd put a little pressure on the trigger as it's a variable
speed one. Yep you guest it the spanner left my hand at a great rate of knots and twatted me right on the nose!
Lots of blood and a very sore hooter. Won't be doing that ever again! Why do we have to learn these things the hard way?
[Edited on 5/4/2003 by andyd]
Originally posted by Viper
I once knocked my self out with a 4lb lump hammer.
Don't ask bit daft realy.
that sounds familiar cept i was 36....
Well I've got a cold.
So there!!