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building a locost dry stone wall
Slater - 13/6/06 at 11:56 AM

My donor car is now stripped and the shell is being collected this afternoon.

Now, as part of the "deal" that my wife and I made when agreeing that I could build a kit car, I now have to finish a dry stone wall project I started last year. I attended a weekend course (£40) on how to build dry stone walls (or dykes as they call them up here) and then visited a few local farmers with a works truck to collect loads of suitable stones.

It takes some patience to build but can be quite therapeutic, sometimes you can never find the right shaped stone and just resort to the lump hammer. One thing is though..... It is certainly locost, all the stones are free, farmers are pleased for someone to take them away, some now phone me and will deliver with a JCB. So far I've got through about 10 tons of stones, only another 5 tons to go!!!!

collecting the rocks
collecting the rocks

Collecting the rocks

half built wall
half built wall

Half built wall

andyharding - 13/6/06 at 12:08 PM

Nice job. Will look very tasteful when you're done.

How many people want you to build them a wall now they've seen that?

nick205 - 13/6/06 at 12:43 PM

Looks very nice!

I'd have you round my garden to do the same, but unfortunately the payment would also be of the locost type in the form of beer and sarnies

TPG - 13/6/06 at 01:29 PM

Just got to fit the capping stones.Theres one just to the right hand side.

[Edited on 13/6/06 by TPG] Rescued attachment Wall.jpg
Rescued attachment Wall.jpg

quattromike - 13/6/06 at 01:44 PM

Not bad Keith,
plenty stones round you, I'd have thought you could of built a bigger house that that small one in the bottom of the garden
