Not much room in there big fella! Shouldn't the wheel be on the other side???
Something wrong down there mr Gibbs?
It's amazing what you can do with an image editing program these days!!
PS hows the Jap engine coming on?
Sadly the picture is real! As for the Jap Engine, she speaks (finally!). A little tidying up and we may have a test drive sat/sun.
Locodude and a rice burner then chrisg in a caterinvan,whats the world coming to.
Hey chis its going to be quiet at soneleigh without you mate
Sorry mate, off to sunny Portugal for a week. never mind eh? Your loss is my gain. Still le Mans 5 weeks after eh Bob? Ooops, sorry, you're not going are you?
That was a tight squeeze!
In the footwell I mean, how do people with two feet drive those things.
I thought those racing "pixie boots" were just another pose, but you wouldn't manage without.
I'm going to Stonleigh and Le mans, and Newark this year as it dosen't clash, aren't I a lucky boy!
You'll be carrying a camera everywhere and eating raw fish next and pruning the front hedge till it's about 6" high.
Bonsai motherf*&kers.
yours, Pete.
Chris, you doing Stonelrigh both days or just one?
Just one I think, don't want to upset the dragon this close to Le Mans!
Probably Monday
Did I just hear the sound of a 'Pussy whip' being cracked. Give her a slap and tell her who's boss