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A full and frank appology to PTM
chrisg - 25/4/03 at 10:35 PM


You may remember last year on the way to Le Mans PTM's front offside wing parted company with the Tangerine Dream. I have, from time to time, mentioned this in to what some may have though was a derogatory or even "piss taking" manner.

I now realise that this was totally out of order, and I appollogise. This kind of thing could happen to the best prepared car and in no way reflects on the workmanship of Mr Locodude.



BTW this appology is in no way influenced by the incident today, where my offside front wing came off and I drove over it.

Peteff - 25/4/03 at 10:42 PM

I can understand you apologising, But why frank. Has he been calling him as well.

yours, Pete.

chrisg - 25/4/03 at 10:46 PM


It was Frank who welded the wing support.



locodude - 26/4/03 at 02:54 PM

I accept your appology as it happend to every locoster at least once, but tell me this. The welding must really have been shite as after 6 years of building the car hasn't turned a wheel, that's if it even exists!

chrisg - 26/4/03 at 04:03 PM

Been all over in it, not showing you cos' you smell.

Now wee off to Portugal

