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Dilemma - Work
Lawnmower - 15/8/06 at 12:05 PM

One of my coleagus, a fairly junior member of staff, is leaving to do an MSc. He leaves us in 4 weeks, but a new guy starts soon, so the last 3 weeks both of them will be here. he has been told that when the new guy starts, he will lose his desk and have to 'hot desk' for the last 3 weeks of his employoment, while the new gut sits in his old desk.

General consensus among us plebs is that this is bang outta order.

Its almost like he is been victimesed?....

what should/can i do (I dont want to rock the boat, but then nobody does, do they).

this fella told the boss motnths ago that he was gunna leave, so he copuld get a referecen for uni, so not like he dropped the company in the poo.

Has occured to us that if they will treat a loyal, hardworking eager member of staff like this, then how will they treat us slaker members of staff, when the time comes, or just in general over our employment....

Any suggestions/thoughts...

NS Dev - 15/8/06 at 12:15 PM

personally I would do nothing. I don't think they mean anything malicious by this action and I have come across FAR FAR worse than that in my fairly short employment!

Won't go into details but it sounds like a fairly minor issue to me.

Liam - 15/8/06 at 12:23 PM

Can't see the problem myself - sounds like they just want to help the new guy settle in easily and feel like he belongs. Dunno what your colleague is so upset about - he's leaving!


Edit: Having never worked in an office environment, though, i've never really experienced desk-envy and other such important office-political issues, so maybe I'm not qualified to comment

[Edited on 15/8/06 by Liam]

motorcrossrider - 15/8/06 at 12:28 PM

Let the new guy have the desk so he can settle in quicker and get on with his new job.

David Jenkins - 15/8/06 at 12:35 PM

Yep - ease the new guy in, help him to get started, and leave a totally good impression behind.

Your colleague might need to rejoin the company in the future (or at least ask for a reference after college, when looking for another job).


nick205 - 15/8/06 at 12:49 PM

take a few weeks off and let the guy who's leaving use your desk

DavidM - 15/8/06 at 01:00 PM

Take hostages and shoot them if the Company doesn't bring another desk in.


Lawnmower - 15/8/06 at 01:07 PM

just been back from lunch, turns out the new guy starts next monday, and the 'old' guy hasn't yet resigned!!, but will probably leave in six weeks. As he has 6 different projects on the go, these will no doubt go tits up while hotdesking, hardly in line with our ISO 9001 (form filling quality control crap) procedures.

mookaloid - 15/8/06 at 01:10 PM

Maybe the new 'guy' is an exceedingly fit young blonde lady with huge t**s......

Who would you rather have the desk then?

Gunner1 - 15/8/06 at 01:55 PM

Count your blessings that there is some overlap. Where I work usually the new guy arrives a couple of weeks or so after the last guy quit resuling in chaos and overwork for the rest of us.
I wouldn't rock the boat as depending on the type of manager you have, it could mitigate against a sterling reference for your co-worker (It seems that you are only as good as your last act in this world)

DIY Si - 15/8/06 at 02:24 PM

Just tell the old guy to feel strangly ill for a few weeks! Looks like a perfect time to throw a sickie!

DaveFJ - 15/8/06 at 02:35 PM

It seems perfectly reasonable to me....

Lawnmower - 16/8/06 at 10:25 AM

Well I mentioned it to my line manager, who said"well hes leaving anyway" whilst suddenly losing all eye contact with me. Did point out that he has not yet resigned...

Nice proffesional attitude my bosses have.

chockymonster - 16/8/06 at 10:38 AM

How can he not have resigned if he's leaving in 3 weeks and they have a replacement?

Having been in the opposite role where there were no desks until the staff member I was replacing left I was left feeling really not welcomed.

The new guy is coming in to replace this guy who is leaving for bigger and better things, I'd be more worried about getting the newbie in and making them feel welcome and able to do his job than the guy who is going

Coose - 16/8/06 at 12:22 PM

Is the bloke who's leaving that bothered? If I was him I'd be concentrating more on the MSc, life at uni and at the top of the list would be college freshers!

Maybe it's me, but I think things like this are a bit petty. It's only a desk at the end of the day and it's not like they've sacked him!

If he has six projects on the go before he leaves, surely the concern is actually getting them done and not where he's going to do them?

coozer - 16/8/06 at 08:10 PM

Sounds like the big green envy machine is starting up there.....

Simon - 17/8/06 at 12:20 AM

Originally posted by Lawnmower
....... go tits up while hotdesking, hardly in line with our ISO 9001 (form filling quality control crap) procedures.

One of the companies my wife used to work for was working towards ISO9001.

She said basically, if you can make the same cock-ups time after time, you'll qualify

