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Jon Ison - 24/11/06 at 04:54 PM

I had a little chuckle when I saw this pic, make me a bad person ? Had I been there I would have offered help like most normal people but would it be politically incorrect too chuckle too ? Rescued attachment whoops.jpg
Rescued attachment whoops.jpg

nitram38 - 24/11/06 at 04:57 PM

Probably speeding !

DIY Si - 24/11/06 at 04:58 PM

Flippin' drink driving more like!
And yes, terribly incorrect to chuckle. You should be laughing out loud at her!

Jon Ison - 24/11/06 at 05:00 PM

With the amount of opposite lock she as on probably over steered into the corner due too overloaded basket on front giving too much front end grip......

Well that's my theory........

nitram38 - 24/11/06 at 05:03 PM

Someone might have snuck an R1 in while she wasn't watching!

iank - 24/11/06 at 05:04 PM

Maybe this guy is her grandson

Guinness - 24/11/06 at 05:06 PM

You can just hear the list of excuses can't you:-

My tyres went off!

Etc etc



mandbsheldon - 24/11/06 at 05:06 PM

That looks like one of those 'new kit cars' from an earlier thread by Hellfire


iank - 24/11/06 at 05:08 PM

Hmm, look to be some wet leaves around.

<more money than sense trackday driver> got out of shape on a patch of oil and then hit the leaves, nothing I could do... </more money than sense trackday driver>

mandbsheldon - 24/11/06 at 05:10 PM

Just a point. Is that man in green going through her shopping? No shame some people!


Jon Ison - 24/11/06 at 05:14 PM

Come on then, caption competition time...............

iank - 24/11/06 at 05:14 PM

That would be the ambulance driver...

ab54666 - 24/11/06 at 05:15 PM

I wonder if she wants to sell the engine and running gear...........

Jon Ison - 24/11/06 at 05:16 PM

mmmmmmmm, used one of those motors for reverse on the Gt1.

stevec - 24/11/06 at 05:16 PM

Two of those Hells Grannys come past our house flat out probably heading for Marks and Spencers for things us non pensioners cant afford. God help you if you get in their way.

iank - 24/11/06 at 05:16 PM

"you might be laughing sonny, but you wait for your next council tax bill after my £300,000 compensation claim"

mandbsheldon - 24/11/06 at 05:16 PM

" I new I should have bought an MK instead of one of them**R things"

MkIndy7 - 24/11/06 at 05:17 PM

Suicide motability scooter bomb attempt!

The old dear was working for the Iraqi's aiming for the main gas pipe for the city!

Bertie basset - 24/11/06 at 05:17 PM

Oi, thats my nan !!!!

Jon Ison - 24/11/06 at 05:17 PM

Tell her too learn too drive then.

ab54666 - 24/11/06 at 05:26 PM

Man leaning over whose head we can't see says :

"I don't think you wanted to do that love...."

To which granny replies......

"A I bovvered, look at my face, am I boverred, I'M NOT BOVVERED"

"Kin liberty"

mackei23b - 24/11/06 at 05:30 PM

When I was in the supermarket last week one of these went out of control, crashed in to a mother and child and then finally came to rest when it rammed a display!!

I was in the next isle and just missed it, but there was a good bit of screaming and crashing, though I think everybody survived!

MkIndy7 - 24/11/06 at 05:33 PM

My Grandma got rammed twice by some "old dear" on one! Broke her leg in 2 places!

Woman jumped off and could walk better than my gran could b4 the accident!
(hence the pending personal injury claim )

Think they own the world driving them bloody things around!

iank - 24/11/06 at 05:37 PM

Bet most of them don't have insurance either, there is one that trundles along the middle of the road (no lights, 10mph) near where I work.

indykid - 24/11/06 at 05:40 PM

they're bloody dangerous them things!

when my grandad got his, the damn thing rolled on me!

doing j turns up the slight hill worked really well, but doing it back down, gravity won

hooligans them OAPs!

pewe - 24/11/06 at 06:01 PM

Nah you're all wrong - forced off the pavement by that tw**t fron Knockhill no doubt.
Cheers, Pewe

Howlor - 24/11/06 at 06:26 PM

She obviously needed more power! Rescued attachment mobility_ft06dj.jpg
Rescued attachment mobility_ft06dj.jpg

jack trolley - 24/11/06 at 06:33 PM

They're a menace!

ELDERLY people who tear along pavements in electric buggies are being targeted in a safety campaign.

Convoys of the buggies have been descending on the pedestrian precinct in Thetford, Norfolk.
Some speed at up to eight miles an hour, others have gone through red lights or made turns on main roads without signalling.

Mansfield - 24/11/06 at 07:11 PM

That is the funniest thing I have seen for ages, including the Borat clips on youtube. The cheese one almost had me crying.

russbost - 24/11/06 at 11:40 PM

I wish you lot would stop! PMSL it's runnin down me leg!

Jon Ison - 25/11/06 at 09:31 AM

Originally posted by russbost
I wish you lot would stop! PMSL it's runnin down me leg!

Running down your leg ? You sure you dont need one of the above mentioned vehicles ?

MkIndy7 - 25/11/06 at 08:28 PM

Originally posted by Guinness
You can just hear the list of excuses can't you:-

My tyres went off!

Nope they were fine.. A brand new set of Dunlop Ditch Finders!