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If you have a chance....
Dick Bear - 9/2/07 at 07:13 AM


If you’re going to Daytona next week stop into the AAA exhibit and see the tire change activity I just finished as part of that team sponsors’ exhibit.

Unlike my usual tire change games where an impact wrench is used to loosen the lugs for this unit the client (AAA) wanted a consumer experience closer to reality using a hand wrench and un-spindled tire to point-out the benefit of fans signing up for the company’s road service.

To provide that experience I purchased a hood, front left fender, headlight, rim and tire, hub and front valance from our local Toyota dealer. I then modified the hood and valance (cut 2/3 of each away) and pieced the sections together. I shaped the grill shroud, filed secondary side light hole and created the panels for the back, sides and top thanks to lessons learned on MM. To add some competition to the activity I designed an automatic start/stop mechanism activated by the participants’ lifting of the lug tool from its holster and wired that into a timing device that records the time it takes to change the tire to one hundredths of a second.

I incorporated the body, electronic circuitry and timing device into a 2-wheel cart package for ease of operation at events and this is the result.

So if you have the opportunity to go to a Nextel cup race this year stop into the AAA exhibit and see how fact you can change a tire the old fashion way. One of my competition tire change games will be part of the exhibit as well, so try both!

Dick Bear

Dick Bear - 9/2/07 at 07:17 AM

I'm web site illiderate. Rescued attachment IMG_0934.jpg
Rescued attachment IMG_0934.jpg

David Jenkins - 9/2/07 at 08:07 AM

Oh, I wish I could go...

Just a bit too far for me...

Fred W B - 9/2/07 at 08:08 AM

Cool - but are you trying to tell us you just did it in 5.95 seconds?


Fred W B

Dick Bear - 9/2/07 at 08:46 AM


No I didn't do it in 5.95 seconds, That was just the last time posted during a test of the switch. As bad as my back is I never realy got down to doing it at all. Just checked the mechanism(s) out before loading it for shipping.

Dick Bear

RazMan - 9/2/07 at 10:29 AM

Nicely done Dick, and well up to your usual standard