ere !
did anyone else see top gear last night
(dont know if it was an old prog)
with the amazing tilting three wheeler
looks like fun
It looked great fun, what was i called?
found this link
home page
Damn I wish I could get that program over here! I loved UK tv (even though there were only like 4 chanel's)
Maybe the wife will get a great book deal and we can move there!
I like the hydrogen powered thing with the steer by wire system. I predicted that in the 4000hp Golf thread. Well nearly.
yours, Pete.
ask GM nicely, they might let you buy theirs, £5,000,000 want it ?
Originally posted by Spottty
Damn I wish I could get that program over here! I loved UK tv (even though there were only like 4 chanel's)
Maybe the wife will get a great book deal and we can move there!
Originally posted by David Jenkins
5 analogue channels 'off air', or around 15 digital 'off air', or around 50 - 100 through satellite/cable.
Trouble is, there's only around 8 channel's worth of programmes worth watching spread across all of them.
Still, the 'generally crap TV' situation means I have few distractions and can get on with my car...
easy solution james, move it to the other worktop so you walk behind it and don't look at it!!
If we get broadband round here the telly is going. The license fee is extortion and the bbc is a monopoly that should be abolished. I could watch
dvd's on the computer or go to the cinema more often. A friend of a friend who has not had a telly for the last 6 years is still getting
threatening letters because he doesn't have a license and at our last house I used to get them every fortnight telling me I didn't have a
license for No15. I got fed up of telling them I lived at No19.
yours, Pete.
Originally posted by Scotty
ere ! did anyone see....the amazing tilting three wheeler...
Many years ago Ariel, the British motorbike manufacturer, did a 3 wheeler moped with a tilting front wheel and the engine over the rear wheels. It was
only a shopping trolley with an engine but the design was basically similar, just on a lot smaller scale.
yours, Pete.