Take a look at this.
Very worrying, i think the government needs to kurb such anti-social policies.
Under this policy the benefit of building your own car, will be you will be able to 'rectify' any modifications fitted to your car...
if its against the human rights of criminals to be tagged must be against human rights of us upright citizens to be tagged
Sort of agree, but i do hate those fools from Liberty, they talk poo. A 'central computer' is no more open to hacking than current DVLA
stuff. You can find out a registered keeper for £2 anyway....
They always seem to argue for the sake of it, eg about ID cards.
There is so much scum out there that i would quite happily have my liberty infringed to see some of them caught. Like them bar stewards that do
But if they sorted the speed limits properly and did retest after first 5 years and every 15 there after, i wouldnt mind that spy thing in the car.
Theres still trackdays!
Where's Guy Fawkes when you need him?
Government can go and stick this idea right up Slimey Tone's black hole.
If they want to keep track of drugs vehicles through Europe, stick a bug on it on the crossing or get the police to do some proper work.
If the Government wants to reduce death on the road and this is what it's (possibly) mostly about, start off by remembering that it's more
than car/lorry users that use the roads. Cyclists/horses and pedestrians are also involved in the statistics and are obliged to know the Highway Code.
Teach some of them a bit of common sense and the stats might improve.
I say mostly, because the rest is simple.
There will, I've no doubt, be a charge to change your chip every time you sell/buy a car!!
Another nice little earner for this slimey, two faced, arrogant bunch of twats that some muppets elected.
When will people learn.
No. My rant won't be over till Blair is locked up (much the same way that Hitler should've been, before he ever came to power.
You can find out a registered keeper for £2 anyway....
Maybe i'm wrong, but i thought you just wrote to the DVLA? Definitely heard that somewhere...
or ask a friendly copper. say it crashed into you! i'll check on the DVLA site...
Its not as easy as that.
DVLA site says you need 'good reason' to find the data.
I suppose they dont want people turning up on the doorsteps of people that cut others up in traffic or whatever.....